

U.S. Nears Debt Ceiling, Begins Extraordinary Measures to Avoid Default

Maneuvers give Congress five months to pass legislation raising or suspending the debt limit

The Treasury Department began taking special measures to keep paying the government’s bills on Thursday as the U.S. bumped up against its borrowing limit, kicking off a potentially lengthy and difficult debate in Congress over raising the debt ceiling.

With the federal government constrained by the roughly $31.4 trillion debt limit, the Treasury Department began deploying so-called extraordinary measures. Those accounting maneuvers, which include suspending investments for certain government accounts, will allow the Treasury to keep paying obligations to bondholders, Social Security recipients and others until at least early June, the department said last week.

That gives lawmakers on Capitol Hill and the Biden administration roughly five months to pass legislation raising or suspending the debt limit. In a letter to congressional leaders on Thursday, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said there was “considerable uncertainty” about how long extraordinary measures can last.

“I respectfully urge Congress to act promptly to protect the full faith and credit of the United States,” Ms. Yellen said.

New House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) and other Republicans have said they would oppose raising the debt limit unless Democrats also agree to cut federal spending. Mr. McCarthy, who promised conservative House Republicans that he would insist on spending cuts as he battled to become speaker, has made the issue a priority in the first few weeks of the narrowly GOP-controlled House.

President Biden and Democrats who control the Senate say they won’t allow Republicans to pressure them to cut federal programs, pointing to recent agreements to raise the debt limit that didn’t include spending cuts.

Investors have so far shrugged off the impasse. Congress has routinely waited until the last minute to raise the debt limit after a standoff, leaving Wall Street with the expectation that Washington will once again take care of the issue, analysts said.

But some lawmakers and market-watchers are more worried about the possibility of a default this year after the chaotic process for House Republicans to elect Mr. McCarthy as speaker raised alarms about accomplishing basic government tasks.

House Republicans haven’t detailed the spending programs they hope to cut, a task that could prove politically tricky. Social Security and Medicare enjoy broad political support. Many Republicans want to increase the Pentagon’s budget, even as others see such big-ticket budget items as fair game in any negotiations. Republican lawmakers have floated various plans but haven’t coalesced around a unified position.

Mr. McCarthy has called for Mr. Biden to start talks early on the debt ceiling. “Why create a crisis over this?” Mr. McCarthy said Tuesday.

White House officials and Senate Democrats say they have no plans to negotiate with Republicans on the debt ceiling, arguing that lawmakers shouldn’t make raising it contingent on other policy demands.

“Political brinkmanship with the debt limit would be a massive hit to local economies, American families and would be nothing less than an economic crisis at the hands of the Republicans,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) said on Thursday.

At least one Democrat expressed openness to starting negotiations with Republicans. Sen. Joe Manchin (D., W.Va.), a centrist at the center of much of the Senate’s lawmaking in recent years, said he had spoken with Mr. McCarthy about addressing the federal deficit by looking at ways to make sure Social Security and Medicare are solvent.

“We’re not getting rid of anything and you can’t scare the bejesus out of people saying we’re going to get rid of Social Security, we’re going to privatize—that’s not going to happen,” he said on Fox Business on Wednesday. “But we should be able to solidify so the people that have worked and earned it know they’re going to get it. And that’s what we’re talking about.”

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.), speaking at an event in his home state, said he expected there would eventually be negotiations between Republicans and Democrats over the terms of raising the debt limit. He said the U.S. wouldn’t default on its debt.

“It never has and it never will,” he said on Thursday.

A standoff over government spending and the debt limit in 2011 caused a downgrade of the U.S. credit rating and roiled financial markets.

A failure by the U.S. to make its payments on time could have far-reaching economic and financial consequences. U.S. sovereign debt underpins much of the global financial system, and the yield on the 10-year Treasury is a benchmark interest rate throughout the economy.

A loss of investor faith in the U.S. to pay its debts could spur a deep selloff in Treasurys, which could in turn cause chaos in financial markets, lift interest rates and raise borrowing costs on U.S. debt. Missed payments on other U.S. obligations, including on Social Security benefits, could also cause economic pain across the country.

Among the extraordinary measures Ms. Yellen said Thursday the Treasury would take was redeeming some investments in the Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund, which finances retirement benefits for millions of federal employees and retirees. The Treasury also would no longer make certain investments in that fund as well as the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund, which finances health benefits for hundreds of thousands of postal-service retirees and their covered family members. Ms. Yellen said the funds would later be made whole and that the measures wouldn’t affect those benefits.

During past battles over the debt limit, officials at the Treasury and Federal Reserve have discussed steps they could take to try to mitigate the fallout from a potential default after extraordinary measures are exhausted.

Without the ability to borrow more, the Treasury could give priority to making payments to bondholders with its available cash, though past Treasury officials have questioned whether such prioritization is possible. The Fed, meanwhile, could step into the market for Treasurys, including by potentially buying defaulted Treasurys, though officials have cautioned against taking such a step.

Even approaching the brink of a default on the government’s debt could rattle markets and slow economic growth. Economists expect that the U.S. economy will tip into a recession later this year.

In recent years, the debt ceiling has had an impact on only a small corner of the market. Once investors have had a sense of when the government might exhaust all of its borrowing abilities and run out of cash, prices have declined and yields have climbed on U.S. Treasury bills that are scheduled to mature right around that date.

Investors, in those cases, have remained confident that they would eventually get their money back. But the prospect of even a small delay has raised concerns about potential operational problems for trading desks, creating a situation in which investors have preferred to own other bills.

The U.S. government debt jumped in 2020 and 2021, as Congress and the White House under both parties pumped more than $5 trillion in debt-financed aid into the economy during the Covid-19 pandemic. The deficit dropped steeply in 2022 as much of that pandemic-era spending dried up, though it is growing again so far this fiscal year as higher interest rates increase borrowing costs.
