
中国のCOVID累積感染者数が9億人に達し、人口の6割を超える:推計値/NIKKEI ASIAより・2023年1月11日

China's cumulative COVID cases hit 900m, over 60% of population: estimate

Private-sector data suggests infection rates of 80-90% in some provinces

Around 900 million people in China, or 64% of the population, had contracted COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic as of Wednesday, according to a report by local researchers.

A team led by Peking University assistant professor Ma Jingjing compiled the figure using private-sector estimates on infection rates, the Chinese newspaper Economic Observer reported. The estimates were based on online search data for key phrases, like "fever."
中国紙「経済観察報」が報じたところによると、北京大学助教授の馬景景氏が率いるチームが、民間の感染率推定値を用いてこの数字をまとめたという。この推計は、"発熱 "などのキーワードのオンライン検索データに基づいている。

The new report also provided infection rate estimates for different provinces, including around 91% in Gansu province, around 84% in Yunnan province, and around 80% in Qinghai province.

Coronavirus cases have been surging across China since the government eased its strict zero-COVID restrictions last month. The country saw 3.73 million new infections and 21,300 deaths on Friday, British research company Airfinity estimated -- up from 2.42 million infections and 15,850 deaths on Jan. 5.

Cumulative deaths since December have topped 345,000, and are expected to reach 1.7 million by the end of April, Airfinity said.

Local governments in China continue to report rapid rises in infections. Hohhot, the capital of Inner Mongolia, said Thursday that its infection rate stood between 74% and 81%. Henan province on Monday reported an 89% infection rate.

The Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention has not published daily infections and deaths since Sunday, making it difficult to grasp the extent of the spread nationwide.

The World Health Organization has expressed doubts over the accuracy of data coming out of China. China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs hit back at these comments Thursday, with spokesperson Wang Wenbin saying Beijing hopes the WHO'S statements"reflect objectivity and impartiality."
