



【記事和訳】 Japan’s ‘Moon Sniper’ follows Chandrayaan-3 to make historic landing but suffers major issue

By: Science Desk Kochi | Updated: January 21, 2024 16:04 IST Japan’s ‘Moon Sniper’ follows Chandrayaan-3 to make historic landing but suffers major issue Japan's "moon sniper" SLIM mission landed successfully on the Moon making the countr

【記事和訳】 Violent riots in PNG leave 16 people dead, as MP calls for PM James Marape to step down

パプアニューギニアでヤバイことが起きているようです。 By PNG correspondent Tim Swanston, Theckla Gunga and Belinda Kora in Port Moresby Violent riots in PNG leave 16 people dead, as MP calls for PM James Marape to step down Sixteen people have died in violent riot