
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward's Insider Video⚜️-NY Stock Eexchange is now under White Hats control!-🤩

⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward's Insider Video⚜️

The guest for this time was Mr. Simon Parkes.

He is good friends with both Dr. Charlie and Mr. David Mahoney, so they had a lot of fun telling jokes. 🥰

【Mr. Simon Parkes】

Simon Parkes : (They've taken off all those zeros from the Bolivian, the Venezuelan currency as well) It's a redenomination.

But they're positioning themselves ready for the RV, so it's less of a jump ball them if they went from 1,000,000 played across, it'd be like a Zimbabwe doing it.

So they're reading nominated it so that it's a smoother transition.

Dr. Charlie : We have very hard evidence. Social media will collapse as well.

His Facebook meta has dropped in value. This year by 60%.

Any normal business that drops in one year by 60%, especially a big business would be splashed all over the newspapers.

It's not just Meta, it's also Evergrande.

Just they (MSM) 've just been ordered that nobody's talking about that.

The revaluation, it's already started on the 24th of September.

Venezuela has changed its currency already.

It's being done bit by bit.

Simon and I signed NDAs together.

I signed one previously and we both signed another one about a year ago now.

This was to protect the people and the paymasters that we are working closely with.

Those people that have just recently signed an NDA have signed a similar sort of NDA that Simon and I have.

In the future when we receive funds liquid quantum funds and when Simon and I have signed this NDA, we will not be allowed to tell you we've signed the NDA.

That's been made very clear to us.

When we receive funds, we will not be allowed to even hint.

My first humanitarian project is in South Africa, with Michael Tellinger and the homeless people in Spain and in England.

So if you see me doing a show from South Africa with Michael Tellinger talking about looking after people you'll know that things have happened, I don't need to tell you.

There are happening right now, Trump suing CNN for 475 million.

The other audit that's just been done.

He's Evergrande.

We all know with Evergrande, responsible for child trafficking, for the Clinton Foundation moving stuff they shouldn't be moving humans, and all kinds of things.

When they were audited, they now have the proof.

Evergrande along with Facebook, along with other people funded the fixing of elections.

They have all the evidence.

The other thing that's gone completely unnoticed in mainstream media or reported on, is the New York Stock exchange.

Has been seized under one of Trump's executive orders ❣

I will have to get all the details as to which executive order, but that news only came in the last half an hour to me.

Still be trading that's still be trading, but they're the control of it.

They've been taking control of by the White Hats. 🤩

We now know there's around 6000~6500 patents that have been blocked and there's not just Tesla.

Tesla was so far ahead with the Medbeds, it's unbelievable to such an extent.

This is where I have to be careful, because I haven't got hard evidence of it.

But from what I understand, Nikola Tesla left America and went to South America where he used the Medbed himself, and lived to a ripe old age, over 100 years.

Two or three people I've talked to, I've said to me he used the Medbed for himself.

That would make sense if you design something that's going to extend your life.

They've now started vaccinating cattle, cows, sheep, etc...with an mRNA.

So that it can be transmitted through milk and dairy products to humans. They're also wanted to use mosquitoes, flies, they want to use all kinds of things to contaminate, to reduce the population and they're all involved.

【Bill Gates' Twitter old banner】

About our good friend Elon Musk, he's having some fun.

Because he turned around, said right, I'll buy it. It's a multi billion dollar purchase.

This has got nothing to do with money.

You have to understand that he is the most valuable asset the White Hats have right now.

It's a game, because Twitter is the most powerful weapon Deep States in the Cabal have, especially coming up to the election and they need Twitter coming up to the election.

Simon : All the troops that were seen in London were both British troops and foreign troops.

There were nothing to do with the the Queen's funeral.

There was all about sending messages to people and Deep states.

They were actually billeted in a number of hotels in London.

There's a set procedure to get those troops out of barracks I think in general has to go through and a phone calls are made and there's a procedure.

But if you've got troops in a hotel, literally all you do is you just make one phone call to a major who's there and you just get the troops out.

So it was a very important wake up call to the Deepstates.

You may control mainstream media, you may have a sizable control over the financial world, for what you don't have is control of the military.

The new king does not get sworn in until I think it's March or April, so there's a vacuum now in the City of London and in the British Empire, there is no real monarch.

That is why the White Hats have said it all starts in England, it starts in London and spreads out.

Because there is no monarch at the moment, regardless of what the BBC or anyone else says.

And Charlie's done a great job in explaining there's a difference between swearing an allegiance King Charles, who was chopped, his head chopped off, and King Charles Ⅲ.

So that's why the White Hats to taking advantage of Great Britain, because the head of the snake has been removed.

Italian troops and also vans with white painted United Nations I've been driving around for England and there was a contingency of foreign troops in Norfolk.

Unfortunately the narrative is that, it's the UN troops.

They're going to attack Britain and take over.

The reality was this was a sign to the Deep States that lots of different countries have signed up to this policy to get rid of them.

So rather than just face them with one particular nations troops, you might get a three or four different countries troops in your land and that says look you gotta take everyone on.

Charlie :

Get Biden to declare war on Ukraine.

And joining Russia is indirectly, declaring war on England and Israel.

All the remaining looney left flip red, because they are supporting Ukraine.

That's the end of the Democrats. It ends all of the military treaties and acts after 1871 and flips the election.

Red wave or Red tsunami incoming, that came from Ezra.

Simon : There are many people who appear to be Black Hats, but actually they're White Hats.

I would say that the mainstream media is partly controlled by the white hats.

I would say that there's certain rebellions going on, and I think that when when the White Hats finally do take control of the media, that's when the narrative will flip and change for the truth. But at the moment, I still think that there are some nasty evil people in the middle bracket. But when that goes, then we get the truth.

I tell you what, everyone in New York and Washington's now really worried about the doomsday weapon on that submarine, but we know that it's a Theatre, a pantomime.

Charlie : That when we get when Simon and I get funds available, we sign the NDA.

We will be the first people to have keep funds.

And when we signed the NDA. Our funds will be on the Q phone.

There are many things that are not visible on the surface, but it seems that we are making steady progress, little by little❣😊
