
⚜️From Dr. Charlie and Simon Parkes ⚜️-Biden's firing will happen earlier, not later in January! -

⚜️From Dr. Charlie and Simon Parkes⚜️

※From a vide on December 31.

Iran have nuclear weapons to defend themselves against the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers mafia. They're defending their human rights. And Iraq, Iran, Syria and North Korea, exactly the same. They will refuse to be part of the Rothschilds and Rockefellers banking Cabal. And they were a thorn in the side.

Sit back with a smug little grin on your face. Because on Tuesday the Republicans take control of the house.

There's a lot of things that are gonna change this coming week. We heard, I've heard, from four sources today. At Basel 4 is in full operation. And on Tuesday we will see which banks open and which banks don't? And if they open without having their position back, that's a criminal offense. And they know that. So there's a lot of work going on behind the scenes right now over the weekend. If it's not sorted out on Tuesday, they won't be opening their doors.

You will have a complete and utter his event panic on Tuesday when you find your bank is closed. Not only is it closed, but it's got no money. So we'll see people wake up in a hurry. The sad thing, it is that people could have woken up when they learned about child trafficking. So we gotta take their money away before they'll wake up, and it shows you that money is more important than children to some people. That's pretty sad.

I did say that the financial system that QFS wouldn't. I didn't believe would start until Biden was out of office. I still believe the same, but I now believe I now believe based on what I know. And it'll probably happen sooner rather than later in January. I believe that this is what's needed in January, that when you change the House over. The revaluation will follow the USN going live, or the USTN.

From our point of view, he's already been exposed. Because we know what has been. I do believe it's January. Because the Republicans take control of the house. So that things can be done.

Simmon :
I 100% agree with you, something's going to happen to remove Biden before the new change can come in. Because otherwise it just doesn't make sense. Now. I think January's very exciting, simply because there are 520,000 Russian troops now. Half a million troops are ready to move across if something doesn't happen quite quickly. I think that Brazil will change around about the same time that America changes.

I think that the other thing was that if people Google Basel 4, you'll see the mainstream is telling you it doesn't happen until 24 or 25. There's stuff. I think China's gonna hit the mainstream fairly soon and I think January is when we see that.

When President Trump was actually officially at the White House, he only took $1.00 a year as his salary.

Dr. Charlie :
He didn't take a salary every every single year. When his salary came along, he donated the entire salary in one lump to a charity, and he named that charity and he tracked it. So, he could not be bought. He's one of the very, very few people that has not been bought now.

Simon :
They've been blackmailed. Giving the example of the black man in that goes on. Two men normally arrive who did from Secret Service with a young child. And they forced this person to have sex with the young child and video. And how do you tell them if they don't have sex with the child. Who will kill them there and then they held a gun to their head. And virtually all of them have sex with this underage child. Some were shot. Didn't do it. Over 95% did it. And then the video they hold over them for the rest of their life if they don't do as they're told. The video we put out there of politicians, and people in power.

Simon :
I understand that the individuals are offered three ways out at GITMO. Firing squad, hanging and scuffling fiction. For their particularly special guests, there's the electric chair.

Dr. Charlie : 
With really. I knew that Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi were hung and Obama took a shot to the back of the head.

Simon :
There were a number of her associates in a cell and they wouldn't talk, so they put her dead body in there and that's two hours.

Dr. Charlie :
Most of the cases take 5 minutes because that it's just that they admit their guilt. And they admitted on camera. And it's recorded in analog, not digital. And you and I know that. 

BRICS have gone gold backed. BRICS its own right is half the world's population. Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, along with Africa makes it more than half. Saudi Arabia's and Iran joined. North Korea, they've already gone. The people that have gotta wake up are the UK, Europe and America. Because obviously, Canada as well as.

Simon :
Most people are totally unaware that until recently doctors were paid £5 for each injection they gave, especially the flu jab. I mean, how is that doctoring that's actually commissioned passed is that's not being a doctor, it's shocking. It's shocking that it's got this far.

With all the lies going on, there's more resources under Zimbabwe. More than any other country in the world. It's absolutely outrageous that that the people of Zimbabwe are living like slaves and yet just few feet under their ground, it is more than enough wealth just not just to help them, but to help many other African countries. And it absolutely really makes me angry that, they don't have water, they don't have electricity, and yet there's gold Nuggets literally just feet down, but they don't have the resources to dig it to refine it.

Dr. Charlie :
Basel 4 means in very simple layman's terms, the bank as from Tuesday cannot trade or open its doors if it does not have physical metals or assets, physical assets to back its position as a bank. So they pushed it down the right, pushed it down the right and I pushed it from it was supposed to be January last year and they managed to get an extension to this year and the newspapers are pretending they've got another extension. They have not. Basel 4 has already gone live and they have to have gold, silver, precious metals or assets.

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