
⚜️From Dr. Judy Mikovits Vol.2⚜️-Being dysregulated in these shots on purpose to cause Alzheimer's!?-

⚜️From Dr. Judy Mikovits Vol.2⚜️

This is a continuation of Dr. Judy Mikovits's talk at Dr. Charlie's Insider Club last time.

※If you haven't seen Vol1. yet, please take a look at Vol.1 first 👇

Q :
There's been a surge of food production plants that have burned to the ground. There was recently one with chickens in that you mentioned the eggs earlier, which led to that question coming up. Do you feel that these plants were burned deliberately to stop the contamination getting in to the public? Or do you feel that these were burnt to stop us getting decent food?

Dr. Judy :
They were burned to stop us from getting decent food. They burned the hydroxychloroquine but so that we couldn't get that either. Yes, these plants were destroyed to stop us from getting food and we see Bill Gates. And everybody else on TV showing us this.

David :
So the China, the China has put a pressure on the supply chain to make everybody buy this manufactured food. We know that Bill Gates now has started buying up vast tracts of farmland and he's getting ready to launch this new synthetic meat and he's also interested in this egg market and strangely enough the egg market, it seems to be affected in the UK. I was there last week, Judy and in a supermarket I heard somebody complain why you've got no eggs in here. And he said, oh, it's bird flu, we've had to, they've had to cull all of the chickens in the area for fear of the public getting contaminated with. Did he say it was a salmonella type and poisoning? He just mentioned bird flu and I thought that's a load of rubbish, but anyway.

Dr. Judy :
The first one was always IBV, the coronavirus they injected in their flu shot. That's what the bird flu was in the chicken eggs. And I did see on the show last night in the feed of the birds, I think it was off Sucker Carlson in the feed of the birds that farmer showed and two of the farmers showed their hens stopped laying eggs. That would be that sensitive component of their little vaccines. They're getting them. They're putting them in the feed, and the hens won't lay eggs. So for farmers out there to change your feed, it's they're poisoning the food. You cannot buy anything from a grocery store for your animals or your pets. We've got to go back to our own clean food.

We've got everything on the website that I told you about. We've been putting it together for 30 years. And then it light doveministries.com, we brought things like Celebrex, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, Genvoya, Truvada. All the AIDS drugs, all the oral immunization strategies that are being denied people, all of therapies that are being denied people to drive them towards their toxic shot,

We've got absolutely everything on one or the other websites will be in Yuba City at Glad Tidings Church. On the weekend of February 10th through 12th, with Doctor Tracy and myself, the naturopathic Doctor Who's put together the classes on our website, we have education. You can sell pace, look at the shots, put yourself into it. We'll be there to teach you how to heal, to teach you how to compost your own food. There will have every aspect of the growing the food, the healing, the feud, where to get it. Yuba City Church on February 10th through the 12th. We'll we'll stay there until everybody's got the education. The healing will have the we'll have the drugs, we'll have the food, we'll have the products, and we'll have the protocols.

Dr. Charlie :
One thing I should mention. David hasn't. I don't know if you how well you know about what David Mahoney's been doing, Judy, but he's been traveling all over the world, getting ivermectin for people who need it around the world after the last. For the last 12 months he's been traveling, getting either ivermectin where it's been very difficult to get hold of. He's managed to find it in places like India. Whether we were it's easy accessible. And there's been he's been helping people save lives, which is why he's been looking forward to speaking to you.

Dr. Judy :
Which is great, because that's what we've been doing, and just so much more than ivermectin. We went all the way back to the AIDS drugs, knowing this would be vaccines, knowing those parts of the immune system. I talk like this because they know that they can't beat us, because they know that's what I did for a living. I made these drugs. I made these shots.

David : 
Is treated for autism and what do you know about it? I mean, is it available? Because I get asked all the time for that one.

Dr. Judy :
I know it's 100 and 100 year old, maybe 110 by now. I'm old, you're old essential medicine that I first worked with in 1986 as an HIV therapy. It's a potent reverse transcriptase inhibitor. There was a 2020 review that's on our website. You can get the paper right there at the real Dr. Judy it's in the same class of drugs as ivermectin, but it works on the brain. Bob Navio did a double-blind placebo-controlled study for autism in 2015 and where I actually consented in many of the patients for that study. Curative strategy.

It was denied to us from Bayer, Monsanto, but they don't have the patent. And it's a macro lactone and like ivermectin we need to get it. But because it has to be infused, because it has a very long half life, meaning you can poison each other in the 80s. When we used it in various diseases and cancer. It would we used it way too high a dose, the same kind of game they played with AZT, Ameren, Remdesivir well we now know in 2020 and then that again in 2015 we get did that clinical trial, because I've been saying it at autism one. Ever since I saw the environmental causes.

And how these XMRV that come from all the shots are destroying the brains of the susceptible so we know it they think they can keep it from us. They put up fake websites and say pine needle tea sermon does not come from pine needles, it comes from trypanosomes a dye used with cell called trypan blue. We know what it is. It does not go in the cells. It's a macrocyclic lactone. We know exactly how to make it.

We've got it in the states, we've got some doctors. We're basically going to heal people with that, along with things like methylene blue, energy therapies we absolutely know how to heal with serum and we've been denied it by the corruption at Bayer Monsanto and that's why I keep saying it. That's why it should be available. It's she'll medicine even 60 years older than ivermectin same class of drugs. We know how to these things.

I know we can manufacture it in I know the resources are available technologically it's very simple and Mike Adams lab there in Texas so. Yeah, we can make that happen if we can get some funding.

David :
I'm very sure you're aware of is on the increase. There is a direct correlation between that and the vaccinations that kids are getting as they're growing up. which brings me to the next question about the fact that this sudden.

Q :
 Has Infant Death syndrome dropped through the floor the rates of parents that have been reporting it because they didn't take the kids in during the COVID years? Which is amazing news.

Dr. Judy :
That's fabulous news and we see it happen just like now the sad part is you know we're seeing the sudden adult death. So it's the same mechanism, similar mechanism. We know exactly what it is and we know how to fix it. Now we have to do is use these therapies appropriately. We know this is acceptable. We know how to stop it.

Now all we have to do is get people to wake up and stop the shots and we can heal this tomorrow.

Q : Do you know anything about Alzheimer's, anything that they're holding withholding from the market on Alzheimer's or Parkinson's this cognitive degeneration L neuron issues?

Dr. Judy :
It's all the same mechanisms and so in the in ALS, the Parkinsonian, the psychosis, they're the same mechanisms. So we're going to see. Would benefit from sermon in these psychosis in these brain diseases. As far as Alzheimer's, it's the prion like diseases, the tar DNA binding protein it's called TDP 40 and they tried to catch the stupid and they said oh look there's a new target in Alzheimer's TDP 40, it's HIV.

It's the component in HIV that goes into the on off switch. That's what tar DNA binding protein means. TDP 40, they knew exactly that and that's why there's HIV, GP torn 20 in the disease. It's a pry on like disease where the protein sticks together like Velcro with that component of the shot called sensitive and it gets outside the cell misfolded and it can't come back and it damages the tissue as your immune cells go and try to clear the damage and it goes on for years.

Because people can't say you can't stop it and ALS it. There's similar susceptibilities in the enzymes SOD superoxide dismutase and catalase. So there's susceptibilities, but the brain trauma, and we know how to the it's an endocannabinoid G protein, GPR 15, they called it an orphan protein. It's not an orphan or orphan peptide,

It's literally being dysregulated in these shots on purpose to cause Alzheimer's.

So all of these diseases go away. Aluminum and heavy metal is a big problem in that space as well.

So what they're spraying through the air in the neurological diseases and the 5G, so the metals are a big deal in that space as well.

Dr. Charlie :
It's also very interesting how doctors that you're changing their own words, when they're defending their position and they don't refer to it as age, they refer to it as, oh, you've got an autoimmune disorder which is exactly what age is an autoimmune disorder.

Dr. Judy :
Correct. You don't need. You don't attack yourself. Autoimmunity means attack yourself.  You don't attack yourself unless you inject it and bypassed your innate immune response without with aborted fetal proteins, which are viruses that look like yours. So you're attacking yourself because your own immune system is trying to fight the thing that you just injected, bypassing the way it would normally be presented by the protections in your skin, in your nasal pharyngeal cavity, in your eyes and your ears. That's why you have a skull, to protect that big lump of fat.

No, we absolutely see the dementia, and there are a lot of them, you know, the kinds of dementia. I don't know if you remember a movie called 【Still Alice】. And so she was fifty years old or so and got dementia. So we're seeing the same kind of diseases of old age that are caused by environmental poisons and it's primarily the injections, the glyphosate, everything we talked of earlier. We're seeing them in younger and younger people and we're memorializing this in film when actually we're doing the directed evolution as they told you.

Dr. Simone Gold showed you an X-Files case, a show back in the 90s where they talked about crisper and the technology to change a gene and she went very fast over it, but I know it was just brilliance on her part. Adenine deaminase it, it literally cuts, it takes the AMI group off and so that your own sensors won't respond. And that's the response of the whole class of compounds called purinergic modulators, of which ivermectin and cerumen are only two.

So we have hundreds of drugs we've developed since the 70s where we can target specific things. And they know exactly what they are. So they're trying to get this cut it up technology into our genes as fast as they can. And all we have to do is say no thank you and we win this game.

For our animals, for our humans, for our plants, GMO plants are toxic.

You these long these non coding RNA's actually control a plants immune system as well. It's so much fun when you do the science and you know the science to see how God's given us everything.

So we make Salicylic acid, which is the building block of aspirin. So that we make these things now our plants are no longer food. They're poison. And we gotta get away from all GMO and that will shut down their industries and we can see why they're racing to get there and but since the simple. Things now, that which shows like yours, with everything you're doing, Dave Mahoney and Charlie Ward, we're getting around the world and they see it. And now every night people are seeing the game and all we have to do is make sure we don't let it happen again. Never again do we do any of this.

No more mandates. And the end. And the vaccine Injury Compensation Act, the liability free program, that's a swipe of the pen, shall not they? Right now it says shall not be held liable. You just change it to shall be held liable. You can do that, right? Your laws.com and then you can print it out, send it to your representatives. You can send it through the world and we the people make the laws, not them.

Q : It's about stage 4 enderal metritis, probably mispronouncing that do you know? You probably know what it is. Any recommendations for that?

Dr. Judy :
Yeah and and the endometriosis or iritis, it's fibrosis growing in the endometrium in the in your in your ovaries, it starts in your ovaries or in your uterus and you you end up with and this is what we know shedding is driving these menstrual dysregulated. Charities because of the because of the sensation. So yes we can stop that very very quickly and before the status we have that that's a situation where we would use some of the dimethyl glycines and some of these stop them the expression of these viruses and poisons and clear it up, yeah, we can fix endometriosis.

It's horrible for these women. They have so many menstrual dysregulations and the growth of the fibrosis that's just short of cancer. Endometriosis Unitis is the inflammation and the fibrosis, but once that turns into a cancer. We're seeing serious, SEROUS we're seeing types of Bulgarian cancer where women are starting with stage 4 cancers and we heal those with ivermectin.

So ivermectin is 1 component that can help endometriosis. We put cannabis bombs on your skin, on your gut. We can use some of the cytogen products we made it what we call AS Z Stack plus Zelinka Z stack with the cannabinoids. Yes, you can calm that fibrosis down at the level of TGF beta. We know how to do that. We have the therapies and we can help that's what our is on our website. Those are the things we do right now with people.

And we're in global Tech MD we're educating the doctors to relearn and help so global tech. Indeed.com well, 5000 or more doctors, you get a person will we're teaching them. We have to retrain them away from the bad drugs toward the good drugs and the immune support protocols that we've developed the last 40 years. So the good news is the solutions are there and all we have to do. Is get the people to understand and get a new system together. And that's what we've been doing for the last two years.

Dr. Charlie:

This is where we get time with Eric Trump, with General Flynn, with Dr. Judy Mikovits, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, Dr. Bryan Ardis. There are so many people there that you can just sit and enjoy their company. I just talk about what's going on. And I've tonight we've had the privilege of having Dr. Judy Mikovits here, sharing her experience and her expertise which is so valuable and God has blessed us with a significant audience. It's very interesting that on the tour I most of the people I spoke to on the insiders club.

Judy has been doing amazing work. I say 40 years, all her life. She's been doing amazing work but has come to the forefront and we're very blessed to have people like that. On this journey, people who've put a tremendous amount of working and learned so much about how to look after ourselves. And it's incredibly difficult for a doctor who's been taught one way.

And then realises, hang on, that doesn't make sense to go against all your teaching and then go let hang on, let's go back to the start. And this is what Dr. Judy's done. She's found out exactly what does work, what doesn't work. And she won't mind me saying learn the hard way. And that's how we all need to learn. Learn the hard way. And this is a doctor, Judy is sharing her experience, which I can assure you every single one of you watching here is invaluable. And I thank you personally. But I can assure you, Dr. Judy from everybody here, a huge thank you for everything you've done and are doing.

Dr. Judy :
I'm blessed by you. And a huge thank you to you and all those names you just named, they were in the trenches so much longer. Dr. Thorpe, Dr. Ben Marble, Dr. Brian Ardis, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, all of these people, all they had to do was have the same open mind and not listen to what somebody said to me. So I'm blessed by them.

Because there was a really dark five years when I couldn't say anything and my reputation had been ruined between 2010 and 11 and 15. And so this is, that was a very difficult time. When you're in the dark and you can't help now, people are listening and they're wonderful events like Clay Clark. And others that bring us together. There's a lot of love in that room because we're all grateful that everybody's opened their mind and said, hey, no more, let's just listen to people. The censorship was the big problem. The bias, the the stigmatism that nobody has to live with anymore. That's the good news.

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