【インタビュー動画の日本語訳】HazbinHotel_FAN Q&A WITH VIV & SAM(2/3)


※元動画URL:Hazbin Hotel Q&A | A24 App (a24films.com)




Q11: What was the most challenging part of recreating the world from YouTube to TV?

Absolutely. The most challenging part, I think, was just that so much stuff like change, like just design-wise, I wanted every character to kind of go through a little bit of a polish, but a little bit like of an update to the world and to match a little bit with like the lore of this world that I was developing. So I'd figured it out a lot more.

And I don't know, I think that was the biggest challenge just because it was like kind of like everything had to be redone. And obviously it was a big learning curve to like be working with like a studio pipeline because my studio operates similar to a studio pipeline, but you know, in a little bit more of a scrappier way.

And then the timeframe and the deadlines were a little bit different than what we were used to. So I think, you know, obviously there's a lot of learning just in that process, but I think the other biggest challenge would just be translating everything, but not just, you know, we couldn't just take the same designs and use the same designs. It was like everything kind of got an update. So it was kind of starting from scratch.

Q12: How's been your experience working with A24 and Prime Video on this?

I mean, it's been great. I'm honestly the most honored with it, allowing to be just stay the same like so much. Like creatively, I really felt like it got to be my vision and it wasn't like, you know, 'cause I feel like that's ever creators fear is like too much involvement or meddling or anything like that. And I didn't really ever feel like that, which I really appreciate.

So I feel like, and even when it came to like the crew and stuff, like allowing so many people from the original pilot to be involved, like the score composers for season one were from the pilot. And some of my lead artists were from the pilot. You know, it's like so much stuff carried over.

The actual, the composer for the main little title that you'll hear just a little jingle was the songwriter for the pilot, which was really like special.

So there's so many like things that like, we got to carry over, which I thought was really special. So I really appreciated all that.

Q13: What's your character design process like? How do you make them look cohesive together?

I'm honestly, I just like having fun. I like drawing the characters together. So you kind of get a sense of like, you know, how they'll like look together.

I focus a lot on silhouette. So, you know, just, just making sure the characters are varied and are just fun to draw. Like that's another thing is I really just like designing characters that are fun to draw for me.

A lot of the characters are very self-indulgent. And I feel like that's just, I don't know, just something that's key to this universe. Its just A lot of creators are self-indulgent. And I was just like, yeah, I'm going to be self-indulgent.

These characters are just fun for me to draw. And they have like, that's why there's so many bow ties and big smiles and sharp teeth, because I just like drawing that.

Q14: Are there any character designs that came from nature?

Mostly animals, like definitely animals. I'll see a crazy animal and I'll just be like, yeah, that's a character, like I'm in a base.

We haven't done it yet, but there's a bird called a Hoatzin. And they're the funkiest. They look like phoenixes. And I'm like, that's eventually going to be a character. I have not made one yet, but you'll see one eventually.

But like Macaws I like, Owls I like, you'll see a lot of those and stuff. So a lot of animals, mostly animals from nature.

Q15: How did you begin researching demonology before finally creating your own version of Hell?

Demonology is fun because it's, it's so all over the place. And so there's not really one like source, you know?

Obviously there's some like fictional hell things that like are kind of accepted as the norm, like Dante's Inferno and Paradise Lost are like two like massive ones that obviously were a big influence.

But I've tried to pull little bits from tons of different theologies of hell. Like obviously the classic like Christian kind of biblical stuff, then there's like the Ars -Gouisha and just so many just demonology texts.

And there's so many that I kind of pick and choose and then kind of do as much creative on top of that because the best way to do any kind of adaptation or lore myth kind of spin is to know as much as you can and then take what works and play with it.

So for me, for example, the way this hell works is that Lucifer is designed after like a ringleader of the rings of hell. And I treat it like there's a big circus theme, especially with him.

So he's like a ringleader. And then because he's in some biblical texts, he was meant to be the most gorgeous angel that was like really prideful. And then fell because he wanted to do his own thing.

And so that's kind of the lore we lean into. And so he's meant to be this like porcelain doll kind of looking a character. And he's meant to be very like pristine and fun. And it's why he's voiced by the gorgeously voiced or gorgeous voiced Jeremy Jordan, you know, like that's why it's so fitting for that.

And same with Charlie, like Charlie's kind of meant to be that Bobbillion(?) like porcelain doll kind of look because she comes from him. So that's like a big one that stump people. 'Cause you know, like when you expect the devil, you think the goat and the big horns and all that stuff.

And in this universe, that's more what Satan looks like, which is a different character, which in most biblical texts, people don't know that they're considered two different characters, but they are.

And so I'm playing into that. And so there's like, you know, it's just so fun to play with. Like even just learning like, oh, these can be different characters. Like we can play with that. And they all represent the sins.

And there's just so much lore like, but it's from all over the place. 'Cause there's no one hell lore because it hell exists in multiple like faiths. And it's, it's not real. So yeah, to some people, you know, so it's like, you know, like maybe say like to everyone, but you know, like, it's one of those things where there's a lot to play with. It is a playground to me to adapt to any other cool theology that has a lot of information about it.

I enjoy the way you modernize it too. because it's a very the modern society in which there are people with cell phones and so it's like, oh well what would Beelzebub's app be? Like stuff like that, you know, exists in our world, it's like how does that translate? And that's the most fun I have, you know, enjoying your lore. I'm like, oh how does this get adapted to this very modern space?

And then within Hazbin it has its own lore of like the overlords and like the sinners and how they operate and how their powers operate. So it's kind of like, I like, it's like a superhero world but it's just the super villains and they're all kind of existing in this magical kind of ancient world.

Q16: Who is your favorite character to write for?

This is an easy answer for me, like a quick answer. I really like writing Adam. he's awful. I really like it. I like writing villains that are awful, so.

Adam is awful. Um,--

-- but he's great.

Yes, yes.

I am a huge, huge fan of writing songs for Keith David as Husk, in part because, you know, as a musical theater enjoyer, I feel like the role of the baritone is diminishing. I feel like musical theater is being taken over by the tenors, and there are a lot of incredible tenors in this show, but there is one immensely talented, beautiful baritone, and that is Keith. And I love, love writing for Keith for that reason. It's a whole different range to play with vocally.

Q17: Do you have any advice for how to stay motivated to write? Any tips to keep going?

My best advice, and I've kind of gone through this because I've had enough now of my work out there that it's kind of gone through every phase of judgment. And I've kind of endured every phase of like, yeah, how do you deal with like, just all of the feedback and everything.

And honestly, my best advice is you're writing for yourself. And I've seen people try to pick that apart and I 100% disagree because you are writing for yourself because there are so many people who will like what you want for yourself.

I wrote the original pilot for myself. Like it was so, like I said, self-indulgent. It's a musical that is full of swearing and edgy jokes and my influences of humor, but I also love musical theater, which doesn't always go together. And then it's also like full of villains who are flawed characters and that's kind of challenging subject matter. And so like that was very much something that I wanted to see and I wanted to have in the world.

And it obviously resonated with people. Oh, and it's also like super queer. So it's like that too. And it's like, you know, so it's definitely not something that's existed before. And so I was like, I just want that to exist. And a lot of people agreed and liked it.

So my best advice for writing is like, you're writing for yourself and that's not selfish. That's the only way to keep it from you because the second there are voices and other people like involved, it stops being for you.

And there's also like, you'll never make everyone happy. It's impossible. So you have to like really focus on what makes you happy and what you're writing for. And it gets really challenging. Like there's, especially if your work gets out there and has a ton of people and a ton of opinions and all this things, you're gonna want to pivot and you're gonna want to like make people happy who aren't and all these things.

And that is genuinely detrimental to what your story is and what your voice is. So my best advice is honestly, just stick to yourself and just know that's, especially if it's successful, that's what resonated with people in the first place.

I got some advice years ago from a comedian named Victor in New York who said, whatever it is you're trying to do, there's someone much worse than you who's made millions of dollars doing it. And I try to reassure myself with that fact all the time.

Q18: Now that Season 1 is officially here, were there new ideas, characters or songs that you got to discover with the rest of the team?

It's definitely like the challenge of this one was, yes, that I have the story very mapped out. And that map is like, here's all the things that I want to happen. And then the process was like, here's the runtime we're given, and here's all the episode count we're given. How do we tell that first chapter of the story in the funny? So there's so much that came from that of creatively, yeah, how do we condense kind of this huge map into like, this is the section of the story season one's gonna be.

And then just finding the songs were pretty, season one songs were very naturally found through the process of when we hammered in like what each episode would be. There's only a couple songs I was like, new kind of from the start that would exist.

But season two is a little different. Obviously I won't speak too much to it, but season two is a little different where because we're starting to get into the parts of the story that have like kind of more reference and there are like kind of existing musical cues that I'm like, no, it'll be like this or this character will get a song or like things like that.

It's a little different. -[SAM]Yeah. -So I think I have a little bit more like, no, there is as an example kind of the One Day More in season one, I'll be like, there's gonna be this character's I Want Song or this character's villain song or there's gonna be.
-[VIV]だから、例えば、シーズン1の「ワン・デイ・モア」のように、これがこのキャラクターの I Want Song※1 になるだろうとか、あるいはヴィランとしての歌だったり、そういうものがあるでしょうね。

※1 I Want Song…ミュージカルでよくある自分の望みを歌う曲。ノートルダムの鐘の「陽射しの中へ」とかそういうタイプの歌。

So it's a little bit more like, I have it a little bit more figured out, like kind of move as we get further into the story. I'm gonna have it more and more like mapped out. But that's also why it's nice because then we get to figure out how the best way to facilitate that like map, which is really fun.

But season one was the most like open because the story was a little simple because it's the first of the story being told. So it was a little bit more like fun to kind of, yeah, like find what those songs and what those big episodes would be authentically.
