











これがけっこう大変な作業だったのですが… 地道に自分が使えそうな(実際に言えそうな)例文をたくさん集めて、それらをひたすら音読練習しました。










Let’s get started!!

1. I’m from Sapporo. It’s a small city located in the north of Japan.

2. I’m working at a restaurant as a server.

3. Normally, I enjoy my job very much. But I work on weekends, public holidays and sometimes overwork, which I don’t like it at all.

4. I have a father, a mother and a sister. My parents are teachers and my sister is a student.

5. I would like to improve my English first and then find another job with a better salary.


6. In my city, people generally use buses, bicycles and cars to get around.

7. In my opinion, bicycles are the most efficient mode of transportation.

8. I say this because there’s a lot of traffic on our street, especially during rush hours.

9. I get everywhere quickly and efficiently on my bike.

10. The only time I don’t like riding my bike is when it rains. 


11. I think trains are great for long-distance travel.

12. Trains are more relaxing than cars because you don’t have to do the driving yourself and you don’t have to deal with traffic jams or worry about getting lost.

13. A lot of people don’t like trains because they don’t give you the same independence that traveling by car does, but I don’t mind that.

14. The subway station in my city do not have interesting architecture in my opinion.

15. Our train station, on the other hand, has very beautiful architecture. 


16. It’s an old building and was built in the classical Japanese style, which I like very much.

17. Our city library usually has exhibits of paintings and other kinds of art by local artists.

18. It’s interesting because they change the exhibits several times a year, so there’s often something new to see.

19. I know some people are very interested in cars and know all about the different models and the different things that different cars can do, but that’s not me.

20. I just want a car that is easy to take care of and that doesn’t need repairs all the time. 


21. I think the best teacher are the ones who make their students want to learn and can show them how to learn.

22. A teacher might not know every last piece of information about something, but a good teacher can help the students figure out how to find that information.

23. I have had teachers who knew a lot about their subjects but who were so boring that I leaned very little from them.

24. At the beginning of the year, New Year’s Day celebrations are important.

25. We have some renowned actors and musicians whom we really love, but they are known only to people in our country. 


26. We like all the international stars, just like people everywhere.

27. I like real stories and made-up ones, but I particularly enjoy movies that portray real events and people from history.

28. Historical events are interesting to learn about, but to me learning about the details of daily life in the past is even more interesting.

29. I practice yoga often, and I always feel good afterward.

30. Other things that help improve my mood are listening music, if it’s happy music, of course, or energetic music. 


31. Watching funny movies usually helps me feel better, too.

32. Exercise won’t make you smarter, at least I don’t think it will; it just slows the deterioration of the brain as you get older.

33. Personally, I think exercising is important and I try to get regular exercise.

34. However, I also think it’s up to each individual to choose whether or not to exercise.

35. I think information should always be made available, but after that, each person has decide what he or she will do with that information. 


36. I think it is important to spend money on investigating new drugs, of course. After all, drugs can cure many diseases and alleviate many conditions.

37. We also need to think prevention. It would be a good idea to spend more money on educating the public about things that can be harmful to the health, such as smoking, drinking too much or eating junk food.

38. I really think education is an important part of health care. 

39. I think when people live healthy lifestyles, they get sick less frequently.

40. Lack of exercise and a poor diet can have different kinds of negative outcomes.


41. For example, they can lead to obesity, being overweight, which can cause heart disease. 

42. Poor diet can also lead to diabetes, which is a serious health problem.

43. Doctors can give injections that prevent influenza, so everyone should get these injections.

44. There are injections to prevent many of the most common diseases.

45. Scientists need to keep investigating these diseases until they discover a way to cure them.


46. There are some common diseases, such as the common cold, that can't be cured or prevented with an injection.

47. I'm not really interested in outdoor adventures like biking or rafting. I don't like physical danger.

48. For me, a really interesting adventure is to visit a new city where I've never been before.

49. I enjoy trying to figure out the people and what life is like in that city and where the interesting places are to go.


50. It's not a dangerous kind of adventure at all, but it's interesting, and it's even more interesting and exciting when you're visiting a city in a foreign country.

51. I like to have luxuries on special occasions, like staying in a luxury hotel when I'm traverling, or going to an expensive restaurant on my birthday.

52. when you save luxuries for special occasions, then they're more appreciated.


Big Smile!!
