
「知の巨人」渡部昇一〈しょういち〉1 “A Giant of Knowledge”, Shoichi Watanabe 1


    渡部昇一(一九三0年・昭和五~ ニ0一七年・平成二九))は、英語学者評論家山形県鶴岡市出身で、山形県立鶴岡中学校(旧制)を経て学制改革により山形県立鶴岡第一高等学校(現・山形県立鶴岡南高等学校)を一九四九年(昭和二四)卒業。同年上智大学文学部英文学科に入学。一九五五年上智大学大学院西洋文化研究科修士課程修了。同年ドイツのヴェストファーレン・ヴィルヘルム大学(通称ミュンスター大学)に留学、一九五八年同大学からDr.Phil(哲学博士号)を受けました。一九五八年イギリスオックスフォード大学ジーザス・カレッジ寄託研究生。渡部昇一は苦学生であり極貧の状態で大学を卒業し、奇跡的にヨーロッパの大学に留学し、学位を取ることができたと自著(『35歳へ‼ー幸福な晩年を築く33の技術』(飛鳥新社、2007年)に記しています。一九六〇年上智大学英文科講師助教授を経て教授。二〇〇一年退職、上智大学から名誉教授の称号を受けた。二〇一七年四月一七日、心不全により死去、享年八十六。

“A Giant of Knowledge”, Shoichi Watanabe 1

(1) The background and life of Shoichi Watanabe, “ A Giant of Knowledge”
   Shoichi Watanabe (1930, Showa 5 ~ 2017, Heisei 29) is an English scholar and a critic. He was born in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture, and graduated from Yamagata Prefectural Tsuruoka Junior High School (old system) and Yamagata Prefectural Tsuruoka Daiichi High School (currently Yamagata Prefectural Tsuruoka Minami High School) in 1949 (Showa 24) due to educational reform. In the same year, he enrolled in the Department of English Literature, Faculty of Letters, Sophia University. In 1955, he completed his master's degree at Sophia University's Graduate School of Western Culture. In the same year, he studied at the Wilhelm University of Westphalia (commonly known as the University of Münster) in Germany, where he received his Doctor of Philosophy degree in 1958. In 1958, he was a research fellow at Jesus College, Oxford University, England. Shoichi Watanabe was a struggling student who graduated from university in extreme poverty, and miraculously was able to study abroad at a university in Europe and earn a degree in his book (Toward 35-year-old! - 33 Techniques for a Happy Later Years). (Asuka Shinsha, 2007). In 1960, he became a lecturer in the Department of English at Sophia University, then an assistant professor, and then a professor. He retired in 2001 and received the title of professor emeritus from Sophia University. He passed away due to heart failure on April 17, 2017, at the age of 86.  (To be continued)
