
The word "China" began when a man named Sun Yat-sen, a doctor in Hawaii, brought in the Western concept of nation and lumped all of China's history together to say "China"./中国という名の話#01

The phrase "China's xx-thousand years of history" is often used by the CPC, but it's a big lie. It's only been a little over 100 years since the concept of "China" was created in that country.
It's a "enough with the lies" talk.

Originally, the Chugen hegemons have held that "there is no nation under the sun". They thought that China was the center of the world and that they were the only rulers in the world. Their avengers were not "other nations" but "barbarians". (Chinese ideology still exists among ccp. For the CCP, those who do not follow "communism" are barbarians and should be pacified.)

The word "China" began when a man named Sun Yat-sen, a doctor in Hawaii, brought in the Western concept of nation and lumped all of China's history together to say "China".

Sun Yat-sen was an agitator, but he was a third-rate organizer. So he failed to build the organization many times. The organization he formed in 1918 was the Chinese Nationalist Party. At that time, there was already something called the Kuomintang, which was born as a successor to the Qing dynasty. Sun Yat-sen dared to name it the Kuomintang as "China" to imply that it was a separate organization from the Kuomintang.

The reason for Sun Yat-sen's decision not to use the original "Chinese" is the same as that of Toshifumi Suzuki, who worked for Ito Yokado, when he launched York 7 Corporation, calling it a "convenience store" instead of a "24-hour supermarket". It was a differentiation. By not using the word "Chinese" and calling it China, Sun Yat-sen was trying to bring the Western "national concept" to that place. Of course, the Russian Comintern were behind this.
(Incidentally, the name "Ito Yokado" is a remnant of the development of the Ito Yokado Western-style retail business, which had been a family business of the Ito family, into Ito Yokado.

So why did Sun Yat-sen choose the name "China"? Where did the word "China" first appear? My interest drifts to that (^o^;);
To the West, Thats land is China. For Japan, thats land was "Sina" after the eradication of the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, in the Sino-Japanese War, "Qing" was used, and in the Sino-Japanese War, "Sina" was used.
It was not until October 1930 that the Japanese began to use the word "China" instead of the word "Sina". It was because the government of the Republic of China criticized the Japanese government's use of the term "Sina" in a written agreement on tariffs with China, saying it was "disrespectful" and "disgraceful to the nation". After that, "Sina" came to be officially called "China". However, the street name "Sina" has remained the common name. It was not until after the war that the name "China" was changed to "China". The word "China" itself was unknown to the Japanese before the war.

Originally, the Japanese term "China and Nakatsukuni" refers to "豊葦原中国" (Toyohashihara no Nakatsukuni).
Nakatsukuni here means "the middle country, the central country", and it was founded by Okuninushi, the son of Susano-no-mikoto, who was 逐降Kanyarai (in the Kojiki, it is called 神逐), together with Shonabinomikoto, in the land of Izumo, which is called Toyoashiran Chugoku. This is why the land is still referred to as the Chugoku Region. The origin of calling this area the Chugoku Region is quite profound.
We should not follow the lead of the CPC and neglect it.





では孫文が何故「中国」という名前を選んだのか?中国という言葉の初出は何処なのか? 僕の興味は、そこに流れてしまう(^o^;;
日本国が「支那」という言葉の代わりに「中華」という言葉を使うようになったのは、1930年10月以降である。同国との関税協定書面中に日本政府が使用した「支那」という呼称に対して、中華民国政府が「無礼ノ 字句ヲ使用」「国家ヲ辱シメ」などと批判したためである。以降「支那」は公式には「中華」と呼ばれるようになった。しかし巷では「支那」が通称のままだった。中華という呼び名が中国へ変わったのは戦後である。「中国」という言葉そのものを、戦前の日本人は知らなかったはずだ。

