
SERENDIPITY: Good Luck and How to Get It

In all likelihood, some of the biggest moments in your life, like meeting your spouse or finding your job, were the result of a chance encounter or fortunate coincidence. You got lucky. But Christian Busch, who directs the global economy program at NYU, says that with the right mindset, you can regard luck not as something that happens to you but as a skill you can cultivate. In this lively conversation, he gives Rufus pointers on how to live serendipitously, describes the surprising power of near-death experiences, and argues that spilling coffee on people may not be such a bad thing.

Christian Busch は著作 The Serendipity Mindset で運は正しいマインドセットがあれば身につけることができるスキルであると説明している。本ポッドキャストではその詳細について深堀りをしていく。


Serendipity is always the product of seeds placed weeks, months, or years ahead of time.

Serendipity には2つ種類がある。どちらについても普段から身の回りの事象に awareness をもってこそやってくる。

The Archimedes Serendipity:

Post-It Note Serendipity:
課題への解決策として言及もされていなかったものが偶発的に出てくるもの。Post-It のように本来の目的とは違うところで課題解決ができるもの。

Serendipity を阻害する偏見

1. Undervalue the unpredictable. This is the kind of mentality where someone feels life is full of the foreseeable, the boring, and the expected.  


2. Majority-compliant. This is again a very normal bias to have. Sticking to the majority’s viewpoints and ways of doing stuff is safe and secure. 


3. Post-rationalism. A big reason to be suspicious about serendipity is that we prefer to look back on an unexpected phenomenon and turn it into a predictable event.


What is your North Star

Hiding your true self from nine to five every day requires resources. Being real, remaining true to yourself, and finding a way to mix intention with a payout is the better way. This is also essential for serendipity since a tired mind would not be ready to catch the unpredictable and make useful ties.


Photo by Mattia Bericchia, Unsplash
