
[英詩]Robert Wyatt, 'I'm A Believer'

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今回は英国のシンガー・ソングライターのロバート・ワイアット(元 Soft Machine)の歌 'I'm a Believer' (1974)をやります。もとはニール・ダイアモンドが作ってThe Monkeesが唄った歌(1966)です。

ワイアットのヴァーションは Henry Cow の Fred Frith (violin), Police の Andy Summers (g), Pink Floyd の Nick Mason (ds) が参加した録音で、ロック史に残る傑作です。ワイアットが1973年に事故で下半身が麻痺し、車椅子を使うようになってから最初の録音です。窮地に陥ったワイアットに対し、ピンク・フロイドをはじめ、多くの人が支援コンサートなどで助けました。




I'm a Believer
Neil Diamond

I thought love was only true in fairytales
Meant for someone else but not for me
Love was out to get me
That's the way it seemed
Disappointment haunted all of my dreams

Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind
I'm in love
I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her if I tried

I thought love was more or less a giving thing
Seems the more I gave the less I got
What's the use in trying?
All you get is pain
When I needed sunshine, I got rain

Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind
I'm in love
I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her if I tried

Love was out to get me
That's the way it seemed
Disappointment haunted all of my dreams

Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace of doubt in my mind
I'm in love and I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her if I tried

Now I'm a believer



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