
#8 Why did Pres. Biden stop at an Atlanta Waffle House after the presidential debate with Trump?

タイムリーな記事。昨日6/27(木)はPresidental debateの日でした。
最近はYouTubeでYoutubeでLive Streamで見れるから便利。

討論会後にバイデン大統領がWaffle Houseに行ったよという話。

“It’s hard to debate a liar. The New York Times pointed out that he (Trump) lied 26 times. Big lies.”

討論会直後にWaffle houseに行ったことについてさまざまな意見。

He panders so much …..he knows yall believe seeing him (in) a Waffle House some how makes him more relatable. This man don’t eat this stuff SMH!” 


SMH=shaking my head 
"Smh" stands for shaking my head. It is internet slang used to represent disappointment, disapproval, frustration, or impatience.

In a post on The Shade Room, users commented that the decision to stop at the eatery was a political move to help people feel a more one-on-one connection to the president.

eatery = 飲食店
Restaurant, diner, cafe 飲食できるお店にはいろんな言い方がありますね
