



Peanuts bread is gone [Day 19]

気付けば在宅勤務も1ヶ月経っていましたが、特になんの問題もなく仕事できていて通勤なんて無駄だなとつくづく思いました、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryI woke up early for a change today. So I took a walk and went bakery which is in near with station. That shop open from am 8:00, therefore I had thought if I w

A Rich Milk Makes Us Happy. [Day 18]

押入れの掃除をしていたらアフターファイブの時間が全て奪われていました、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryToday, I had a craving for junk food, so I ate a hot dog at dinner. It's so junky. You would be feeling like that you are aliving when you eat junk food, wouldn't you? Anyway, I thi

Yakiniku Yakiniku Alone [Day 13]

朝から友人のインスタライブにお邪魔してたらあっという間に1日が過ぎていました、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryToday, I ate Yakiniku first time for a while. I enjoyed alone, though. I recommend that yakiniku by oneself because it's cheaper than eating at yakiniku restaurant, beside we can

It was easier than I thought [Day 4]

Today, I cooked the stuffed bell pepper for dinner first time. 今日は晩ご飯にピーマンの肉詰めを初めて作った。 It was juicy and delicious. And how to cook was easier than I thought, So I'm thinking about making it again. 肉汁が出てきて美味しかったし、思っていたよりも簡単に作れるのでまた作ろうと思う。

The legendary condensed milk  [Day 3]

When I went grocery shopping at lunchtime, I found a strawberry pack at a booth like a vegetable market outside of grocery. And I bought it for a change. 今日はお昼にスーパーへ食材を買いに行ったら、外の野菜市みたいなコーナーにいちごがあったので珍しく買ってみた。 Of course I also bought the