



My new job [Day 25]

ホームパイは悪魔が産んだ最強のお菓子だと思っています、ひょうてんです。 Today's DiaryToday, my new job what I will do from next month was decided. My working had been changed twice in the three years, so I want to find my calling sometime soon. I wonder if new job will be f

Pull my socks up [Day 2]

I write the truth because nobody read my diary, I think. ※ If there is weird person who reads this diary, give me a 'like' stamp please. Thanks. この日記は誰にも見られてないと思うから、思い切ったことを書こうと思う。 I haven't worked in my house since last Wednesday. 正直在宅ワーク

Working from home [Day 1]

Continuing from last Wednesday, I work from my home too. 先週に引き続き、今週も在宅ワークである. If we work from each home, we can reduce the commute time. That is the advantage of working at home. However, we will be lack of exercise. 在宅ワークは通勤時間が削られるのが大きなメ