The downside of decision-making practices in Japan-the japan times

Japan has entered another state of emergency declaration, and I continue to spend every day in a state of uncertainty in Japan.

Although the number of times I go out becomes very little, in order to focus on the world and to organize my thinking better, I decided to start collecting information and writing down some of my thoughts. And from today I feel that summer is coming, there is a high probability that I will lose memory in such hot weather.

I hope that these notes will become more and connect like the dots into a line in the future.

When I turn on the TV, there is almost always a lot of reports on the covid-19 pandemic, the topic of what Japan should do in the face of the covid-19 never stops, and it is difficult to have a clear answer. I often turn off the TV in exhaustion after watching an hour of debate without a conclusion. The rhetoric is beautiful, the theory is right, and everyone keeps waiting to see if anyone will take a position and give a tentative conclusion.

The Spanish student who is coming to Japan to study, like the one mentioned in this story, feel stressed because they have no clear information about when they can enter Japan and have difficulty planning for their future.

At the end of the article, there is this ironic quote.

For the many students and others who are waiting to get into this country, this whole ordeal may actually be the first lesson they receive on Japan and how its bureaucracy operates.

Always searching for the one right answer is a good thing. What's more, as. Koichi Nakano said -

in general, anything related to COVID-19 is “a very politically important problem, which significantly affects the health and safety of the populace, as well as the economy and the fate of the current administration.” -Koichi Nakano, a professor of political science at Sophia University.

The government has an obligation and must treat its problems with care. However, the continued declarations of emergency have led to people becoming numb to the policies, the trips becoming more.
