
Walk in a restaurant

19th Febrary 2023

Good mornig!
I finished my routine running and I was taught how to take rubbish out by my landlord
I've found many British English since I came here…
English people say
"rubbish" instead of "garbage"
"hoover“  instead of "vacum"
and "queue" instead of "line"

When I was waiting for self-order machine in McDonald, I was spoken to
"Are you in the queue for the machine?"
what queue!?!?
but I could understand judging from the situation…mayb,he said so😭
I felt that was exactly British !!
And, I was about to look for job
and walked in a restaurant that I cared
I was super duper nervous !!
But I managed to walk in the restaurant and said "Do you have any job vacancies?"
Honestly, I said it a few times because the staff didn't hear my super low voice 😭

And he said 
"Yes, would you like to meet manager?"
I was like omg!! 
I managed to meet manager with kept smiling 
He told me to come here again day after tomorrow to introduce and check my job performance…
First of all, I was very lucky 🤞🏻✨

9 3/4線


今度時間があった時に 魔法の杖を持って撮影したいです!!

