
Afghanistan アフガニスタン

The war in Afghanistan ended Monday, August 16th, 2021. The capitol, Kabul, fell in one day. Three days before, the Taliban controlled two thirds of the country. Before that, they had made large gains, with almost no resistance from the Afghan military.


American Secretary of State Anthony Blinken had said “This is not Saigon”.


In June, President Biden had said that there would be no lifting people off the roof of the embassy like in Saigon.



Actually Mr. Secretary of State, Mr President, I am very sorry to say, it looks a lot like Saigon. In fact, I think it will turn out worse.



Saigon, 1975. An American helicopter evacuates the embassy.



Kabul 2021, An American helicopter evacuates the embassy.


As I write this, evacuations are on going at the international airport. It is total chaos. All commercial flights have ceased. A portion of the airport is under the control of US and British troops, they are evacuating Westerners and a few Afghans.



Kabul International airport.

They will probably get the Westerners out, and a few Afghans who worked for Western governments and NGO’s. Most Afghans who worked for Westerners will probably be killed.


In the end, this will be much worse than the fall of Vietnam.


How did this happen?


The Afghan Army numbered some 300,000, The Taliban only 75,000. The Afghan Army had attack aircraft, armored vehicles, and artillery, the Taliban had only their rifles.


Yet the Taliban won. The Afghan Army basically melted away without fighting.


In the Vietnamese war, While the North Vietnamese Army was very powerful, they did not have any helicopters and attack aircraft, while the South Vietnamese did.


Some South Vietnamese units, like the elite Airborne division and the 18th infantry division had good leadership and fought hard. Other elite units, like the South Vietnamese Marines, disintegrated under Northern attack.


Although South Vietnam resisted much more than the Afghan forces, the end result was the same, total military defeat, and a humiliating American withdrawal.


So what is going on here. There is one common factor, that is the presence of Americans. Both South Vietnam and Afghanistan became completely corrupt under American patronage.


In both countries, government officials, even military unit commanders became corrupt. There is a term “Ghost soldiers” that applies to both countries. This means that a military unit is authorized to have a certain number of soldiers. Say an infantry battalion with 1,000 men.


Yet the commander would only have 600 men. He would collect the pay from headquarters for 1,000 men, pay his 600, and keep the pay of 400 men in his own pocket. Every month.


When combat came, the battalion with only 600 men would have less numbers, and poor morale. They would fight poorly and lose. That was in South Vietnam. In Afghanistan, it seems that troops did not fight at all, but gave their American supplied weapons to the Taliban.

戦闘の時に、この600人の大隊は兵士数が少なく、士気も有りません。 一生懸命に戦わないので、負けます。それは、南ベトナムでした。アフガニスタンでは、完璧に戦わないで、アメリカから貰った武器をタリバンに渡したみたいです。

In the video below, it says that 50% to 70% of police post personnel were actually “Ghost Soldiers”, they did not really exist, but someone collected their salary.


On paper, there were 300,000 Afghan military personnel, but experts say only 96,000 actually existed.


Also, many civilian Americans came to both countries, and tried to get people to accept American culture.


This had a particularly devastating effect on Afghanistan, where in traditional society, women are very restricted. Today, American popular culture is all about LGBT issues. The US pushed Gay rights, even flying the LGBT outside the Kabul embassy.


American Leftists pushed American Feminist ideas on a conservative Moslem population. They demanded 10% of the Army be women. Average Afghan people deeply resented these efforts, and those crazy ideas alienated many Afghans to Americans.


So why would Afghans fight for social concepts, pushed on them by American Leftists, that they did not like?


They became dependent upon American military aid, without it, they could not do anything for themselves. Militarily, America trained them to fight in the American way, with massive firepower. The Americans were not able to produce a competent military or government in either South Vietnam or Afghanistan.


In either country, Americans never understood the local environment, the language, or the culture. They just assumed American culture was best.


America was defeated badly. This was 20 years of extreme American incompetence.


I hear a lot of Japanese people, mostly older, disparage the present day Japanese military, saying that America will defend Japan. They seem to think that without American military protection, Japan is helpless.


Not true. The Japanese military has done nearly all of the defense work of protection for Japan. And the Japanese military is very competent, much more than the American military. Now, the Americans put priority on Leftist ideas in the military, battlefield competence is not taught.


The US military, at first was in Japan to keep Japan subservient. This gradually evolved into an alliance, where the US used Japanese bases to project military power around the world.


However, since Barack Obama became President, the US military has been weakened by Leftists purges and policies. This stopped under President Trump, but was greatly continued under President Biden.


The present US military is very weak, and America is beginning a civil war. In a crisis, America cannot help Japan, militarily or politically.


Frankly speaking, the Afghan war was a 20 year crisis that President Biden did not start. However, the complete collapse of the country in about a week is a disaster for the United States.


The American government had no idea that collapse could come so fast. Even three days before the fall of Kabul, the Pentagon press secretary said that Kabul was in no immediate danger.


American Secretary of State Anthony Blinken says that Afghanistan is a US victory.


There is a famous American saying “If this is victory, I would rather not see defeat”!


There is now speculation that the Biden Presidency will collapse over this botched withdrawal.



Afghans desperately try to board US military transport that is taking off.



Inside a military transport, after departing Kabul.



That means Kamala Harris, or perhaps Nancy Pelosi will become President, and lead to a hot civil war in the United States very quickly.


In Japan, we will have to have a government that recognizes that the existence of the United States is now in doubt, and we will have to plan accordingly.

