
Looking at the Olympics オリンピックを考えます。

I was very happy to see the Japanese military perform the flag raising at the Olympics opening ceremony. Their moves were very precise, and a beauty to watch.


However, I was very mystified by the strange dress that the singer of the Japanese National Anthem “Kimigayo” wore.



It was supposed to represent the LGBT rainbow flag.This is extremely odd, as concerning Gay people, Japan is one of the most free counties in the world.

LGBT のレインボーフラッグの意味でした。これは変、ゲイの人について、日本は世界で最も自由な国です。

It was not the only strange costumes at the Olympics, the young woman bearing the name of the countries for the teams marching in, well she looks like a donut shop employee.



And the people presenting the awards, look like hospital orderlies.



What does this have to do with Japan?


Actually, some people DID wear Japanese clothes. Here is a shot of some Italian Olympians.



This is what foreign athletes want to see and experience in Japan.


After former Prime Minister Mori was forced to quit as director of the Olympics over an obscure remark, some young man who used to work for Hakuhodo, an advertising firm, was able to dominate the organization of the Olympics. This gentleman is extremely proud of his English.


Well, I do think he may speak well, but he made a terrible mistake. His idea of a slogan for the Olympics, “Unity though Emotion” is awful. Directly translated into Japanese, it sounds good, but the English nuance is bad. To Americans, Emotions produce wars and killing, not Unity. Perhaps Unity through Effort might have been better.


The Koreans were up to their usual nasty tricks, they arrived at the airport all costumed up for radiation.



They complained that flowers in the bouquet presented to medal winners were irradiated.



They displayed political banners at the Olympic village.



This one complains that Japan exterminated Korea’s beloved tigers during the annexation era. One, tigers are still believed to live in North Korea, so cannot be called extinct, and two, when Japan annexed Korea, the farmers begged the new Japanese government to do something about the tigers.


You see, the tigers had been often eating Korean farmers, and the Korean government had been totally ineffectual at controlling the problem.


What the Koreans did not do very much of was win medals. Perhaps if they had spent more time concentrating on their events rather protesting everything they could think of, they may have done better.


There was a bizarre incident in a table tennis match between Japan and South Korea. The Japanese Olympian complained of a light being shined into her eyes. At first, it turned out that a video camera was indeed shining a bright light into her eyes. Many people assumed that it a Korean dirty trick, as they have been known to do such things at international sports events.


But it turned out to be a Japanese staff from NTV. What is going on here? Well, NTV does have strong ties with South Korea, but it is a Japanese television studio. These people should be barred from all sports events in the future.



The major Japanese media continuously reported that a majority of Japanese people were strongly against the games.


This is not true at all. There were only a handful of protestors. But as usual, the Japanese media damaged the reputation of Japan internationally.


Are they really Japanese?


Also, it was a lonely Olympics. Political infighting led to no spectators allowed at all, ostensibly to protect against Corona transmission. Yet Japanese major league baseball stadiums allowed spectators.


What is the difference?


Some Japanese Olympians imitated Leftist American Athletes, and went down on their knee before their games. This was the Japanese women’s soccer team. But do they know anything about the protests and riots that are roiling America?


Do they know that Black Lives Matter wants to destroy the nuclear family, and create a future America where children are not raised by parents, but are raised by the community, which means the State?


Is this what they want for Japan? Japanese people must be very careful when imitating political actions by foreigners. Japan has no racial problems, period.



And in the closing ceremony, we were treated to more very strange and incomprehensible costumes. I for one cannot guess what they are supposed to represent.


These people look extras in a George Romero Zombie movie.



What has this to do with Japan?



But there was one thing that Japan excelled at. One wonderful story in all this mess.


Japan took 27 Gold medals, out of an overall total of 58 medals. Overall, Japan is number 3. This proves that “Yamato Damashi”, or Japanese spirit still exists. Despite all the hardships, Japanese athletes came through and performed excellently.


And this is why I have faith in the future of Japan. Yes there are many difficulties in the future ahead. Yet Japanese people themselves work hard and achieve excellence.


So this proves to me that Japan can persevere and be one of the most superior nations on earth.


I think the people who organized this Olympics, and tried to appease Western popular Leftist culture, which is not about social justice but simply about destruction of traditional culture, should observe the dedication of the Japanese Olympians.


Then perhaps they could learn to appreciate that they truly do live in an exceptional country, and how badly they misrepresented Japan.

