

Today I got up early. I think it was a productive day.  It feels like I've had quite a productive day. Firstly To start off, I studied for IELTS test I dedicated some time to studying for my IELTS test with vocabulary book that I bought yesterday. using a vocabulary book I purchased yesterday. Each parts This book is divided into sections are composed of with short articles and words' express explanations for words which really makes it easier to remember the words vocabulary. Moreover, the article was quite interesting intriguing and engaging.

In During the afternoon, my boyfriend and I went shopping to in Horie. he was eager to see if there is a stock of sneaker there.   He was excited to check if they had any new sneakers in stock. After that, We explored an antique interior shop. Even though I can't buy anything, Although I didn't make any purchases, I love strolling I truly enjoy wandering around such shop. They have offer wide range of furniture items, such as from chair to resister counter! I always imagine if I opened my restaurant or hotel, the chairs goes like here, that closet would be perfect or something like that.how these pieces would fit perfectly in a hotel or restaurant that I might open someday.

However,  during lunch, I found spotted a tiny cockroach on the wall, so my appetizer was gone took a hit. Am I the only one who hates small, not cleaned restaurant dislike such places? It's quite a turn-off for me when restaurants are not cleaned properly.  I think I suppose many people love are fond of those types of restaurant…like delicious yet cheap.

"Take a hit" は、いくつかの異なる文脈で使用されるフレーズで、以下のような意味を持つことがあります:

  1. 悪影響を受ける: "Take a hit" は、何かが悪影響を受けたり、損害を被ったりする状況を指すことがあります。例えば、「Stock prices took a hit after the company's financial report was released.」と言った場合、企業の財務報告書が公表された後に株価が下落したことを意味します。

  2. 困難を経験する: このフレーズは、人々が困難や逆境に立ち向かう場面で使われることもあります。「After losing his job, he took a hit but eventually managed to find a new opportunity.」といった風に使われます。

  3. 影響を受ける: 他の要素や出来事によって影響を受ける場合もあります。「The agriculture industry took a hit due to the drought this year.」

これらの意味の中で、あなたが「my appetite took a hit」で使っている文脈では、食欲が低下したという意味となります。


I got up at 6:30, but felt asleep on a couch. Lately everyday is like this. It's funny how useless of time. Today is also work from home day, spend my time to nothing. I find myself thinking about it is not appropriate 28 years old.
ahh… why sentences become so long in English?

I woke up at 6:30, but ended up falling asleep on the couch. These days, every day seems to follow this pattern. It's kind of amusing how I'm just wasting time. Today is another work-from-home day, and I'm just passing the time with no real purpose. I catch myself pondering if this is suitable behavior for a 28-year-old. Ugh... why do sentences tend to get so long in English?

end up
find myself
catch myself

"ponder" は、深く考えたり、熟考したりすることを指します。しばしば大きな決断や哲学的なテーマについて使われます。感情や思考の深い部分に焦点を当てる単語です。
一方で、"consider" は、検討することや考慮することを指します。何かを判断したり選択したりする際に、さまざまな視点や要因を考慮に入れる行動を表現します。より一般的な意味合いで、ある選択肢や行動を検討する場面に使われます。

  • "I need time to ponder the meaning of life."(人生の意味を熟考するために時間が必要だ。)

  • "I will consider all the options before making a decision."(決定を下す前にすべての選択肢を考慮するつもりです。)

要約すると、"ponder" は深く考えることに焦点を当て、"consider" は選択肢や要因を考慮することに焦点を当てると言えるでしょう。

今日はこんな感じ。end up は〜しちゃったのときに使おう。
