
3月17日どんな日           What day is March 17th?

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星座 :うお座



色  :緑

性格 :非常に複雑で多面的な性質を持っています。彼らは直感が鋭く、物事の本質を見抜く能力に長けているため、多くの場面でリーダーシップを発揮できます。また、分析力に優れている点は、彼らが情報を的確に処理し、合理的な判断を下す能力があることを示しています。


ここまでを英語で説明致します。I will explain this in English.

manga weekly magazine day

The launch of Shonen Magazine and Shonen Sunday on March 17, 1959 can be said to be one of the major turning points in Japanese manga culture. The price, circulation, and early content of the magazine at the time of its first publication show that it was quite different from today's manga magazines. At the time, Shonen Magazine, which published 205,000 copies and sold for 40 yen, and Shonen Sunday, which published 300,000 copies and sold for 30 yen, became the pioneers of weekly magazines for boys. This price competition led Shonen Magazine to lower its price to 30 yen, which had the effect of expanding its readership. The process by which the magazine's contents, which were mostly serialized novels when first published, gradually increased in number of serialized manga, symbolizes how Japanese manga culture has grown and evolved. The fact that the first cover of Shonen Magazine featured Taro Asashio (third generation), the 46th Yokozuna, shows how diverse the content was in the early days. These changes since the publication's inception can be said to reflect reader needs and market trends. As manga became more popular among young boys, publishers began incorporating more manga serialization. This became the soil that later produced many of Japan's leading manga artists, and was one of the catalysts for its growth into a culture that is recognized worldwide. Today, Shonen Magazine and Shonen Sunday have firmly established themselves as the two giants in the Japanese manga industry. The fact that these magazines have been designated as anniversaries to commemorate their first publication is a testament to the great influence they had on Japanese manga culture. Even now, several decades after its first issue, it continues to play its role as a place to discover new talent and spin new stories.

SDGs day for everyone to think about

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations consist of 17 goals that we aim to achieve by 2030, and provide an international framework for aiming for a sustainable and better world. These goals address a wide range of challenges, including eradicating poverty, ending hunger, providing quality education, reducing gender inequality, combating climate change, protecting the richness of our oceans, and conserving terrestrial ecosystems. Contains content to work on. The fact that March 17th was established by the PR Research Institute as a commemorative day to spread the idea of SDGs, which is a play on the phrase "17 goals together", is to raise awareness towards achieving these goals. , is a wonderful initiative that promotes efforts by society as a whole. Through this anniversary, it is hoped that all layers of society, including individuals, organizations, businesses, and governments, will deepen their knowledge of the SDGs and be encouraged to take concrete actions. Achieving the SDGs requires collaboration and action from all over the world. Each goal should not be considered in isolation; they are interconnected. For example, it is expected that eliminating poverty will improve the quality of education, and high-quality education will expand economic opportunities, which will further contribute to poverty reduction by promoting economic growth. In this way, the anniversary of March 17 can serve as an opportunity to encourage further understanding and efforts towards the goals of the SDGs. From the environmentally conscious actions that individuals can take in their daily lives to the sustainable practices that companies incorporate into their business strategies, actions at many levels can pave the way to a better, sustainable future.

Personality of people born on March 17th

Constellation: Pisces

Guardian planet: Neptune

Natural element: water

Color: Green

Personality: Very complex and multifaceted. They have a keen intuition and are good at seeing the essence of things, which allows them to demonstrate leadership in many situations. Their analytical skills also indicate that they have the ability to process information accurately and make rational decisions.

They tend to be admired by many people because of their compassion and cooperative nature. People are drawn to the understanding and empathy they show. Also, their generous attitude towards their partner comes from a deep sense of love and responsibility. However, such people also have complex aspects in their relationships with others, such as being an easy-going beauty and having a tendency to not change their own ideas. Being an open-minded person may be a sign that they are trying to make relationships smoother, but it can also sometimes lead to doubts about their trustworthiness. Also, while holding fast to one's beliefs is a form of strength, a lack of flexibility can lead to conflicts with those around you. In fact, their lack of patience, moodiness, and tendency to be critical are signs that they live on waves of emotion. These characteristics mean that they react differently to different situations and may sometimes result in instability and unpredictability. Overall, people with this personality are very human, with a wide range of talents and emotional depth. Their success depends on how they build relationships with those around them and how they leverage their strengths. Additionally, by deepening self-awareness and understanding of others, they will be able to overcome their own weaknesses and build more fulfilling relationships.


甲本 ヒロト

  • 1963年3月17日

  • ミュージシャン


夏野 剛

  • 1965年3月17日

  • 実業家

新田 恵利

  • 1968年3月17日

  • タレント

  • 元おニャン子クラブ


  • 1969年3月17日

  • ファッションデザイナー

  • 実業家

  • アレキサンダー・マックイーン創設者

髙木 俊

  • 1981年3月17日

  • 声優

藤森 慎吾

  • 1983年3月17日

  • お笑いタレント

  • オリエンタルラジオ

香川 真司

  • 1989年3月17日

  • サッカー選手

  • 元日本代表

玉森 裕太

  • 1990年3月17日

  • タレント

  • 俳優

  • 歌手

  • Kis-My-Ft2

村上 虹郎

  • 1997年3月17日

  • 俳優




