
DAY 13 グッズについて。 Part 2

グッズについて。 Part 2                    




About Goods Part 2

When I wrote out the Japanese part it ended up being shorter than I thought so... here we are.

I typically purchase only DVDs and CDs with the occasional magazine. Otherwise, I tend to not purchase goods. Of course money is a favor but it is not the main factor. Rather it’s because of the space it takes up. I'm not a huge fan of getting my room cluttered with stuff simply because of how often I end up having to pack my items and move houses. My work space isn’t organized to start with which shows how much I struggle to keep my room clean. I can imagine my stuff collecting dust over month and then being resold online by my mother before I realize it. My family is so obsessed with being clean to the point where we go to our local GoodWill and Savers to donate every couple of months. 

Maybe I’ll invest into goods if I gain more interest and settle down into a house where I don’t have to worry about moving anymore. Before that, I need to find the space to store me +200 novels of manga. it’s currently inside boxes sitting in the basement storage room sadly. If anyone has an organized room with their goods decorated neatly, I’d love to see it and judge how organized it looks. 
