DAY 18 猫に喰われた。






今日のおすすめ曲|Song of the day

昨夜にMVが解禁された台湾の歌姫Hebe Tien/田馥甄の曲です。アルバムがリリースされてから何度も聞いた曲ですが、今日初めて英訳の歌詞を読みながら聴きました。思ってたより悲しい歌詞。そしてなんて素敵なMV!きれいな色使いとHebeちゃんの金髪。

What a beautiful yet sad song. I have so much to say about how pretty the visuals, the composition, and the color palette is. I've yet looked into the theories behind the popcorn throwing scene but her white hair... I wish she kept it. My two personal favorite scenes are the reveal of her white hair (obviously) and the flicker between the visual and her leaning back on the movie theater seat. Definitely, adding this song to my monthly playlist.

"My Cat Ate My Computer Cable"

What a miracle, I've been writing two days in a row. Today I was supposed to deliver a speech and I've been awfully nervous about it. Although I practiced numerous times and even got ready, it was canceled at the last second. The teacher sent an email saying that "my cat ate my computer cable". I was sort of upset since I was stressed for the past few days over it but I'm still glad I had friends who were kind enough to listen to me present my speech as I panicked.

I am actually writing this out while sharing my screen to a friend right now. I'll be honest, it's a bit embarrassing. I don't write my note entries to receive attention but rather for my mental health.

On the topic of friends, I have been getting a lot of flashbacks recently. I especially remember my experience back in 6th grade when the entire class was practically friends with each other. Because everyone in the class attended to all the subjects together and all came from different elementary schools, we were able to connect. Our lunchtimes would be spent together by combining all the patio tables into one and sharing what we each brought to each other. I always laugh when I think about how my closest friend and I had to be separated across the classroom. We sat next to each other in every class because of our alphabetical last names until the teacher got annoyed of us joking around in class. 

It's amazing how I can connect with people now. With the assistance of the internet, I can talk with people across nations. If it weren't for many of these friends I have made online and the midnight Discord calls I fell asleep in, I don't think I would be the person I am today. 

I feel that if I talked about the subject of friends, I'd never stop writing simply due to all the moving experiences I had throughout my childhood. I still consider all the people who I was close with back then as my friends despite my current relationship with them. Sometimes I'm tempted to message them but a part of me knows that they are not the same person as I remember (including me). I very much enjoy messaging the few friends I do frequently as they give me support and energy to get me through the week.

The friend watching me screen share is embarrassing me by reading what I typed aloud so I'm going to end it here, good nightie :p
