DAY 19 Glass Animals

Glass Animals




ライブ配信専用のサイトがあってグラフィックスがとてもカッコよかった。ネット配信を利用した演出が一番驚いた。Dave Bayleyが床のプールの映像の上でくつろいで歌ってる姿がすごいと思った。アーティストだな。


思ったより配信が早く終わってしまってちょっとガッカリだったかな。後、改めてジャニーズが一日二回も生配信できる体力に感動した。Glass Animalは何度も配信しましたが、最初のを再配信してただけ。まぁ、お客のいなければ何度もやるのは退屈だし、お金かかるよね。

ぜひGlass Animalに興味があったら、聞いてください!ライブのセトリをプレイリスト化にしたのを載せます。


Glass Animals: Live in the Internet

I dearly miss going to in-person concerts... I had plans to attend other concerts but they all were canceled. 

Ever since online concerts became a thing, I've spent way too much purchasing them. However, this Glass Animal online concert was the first non-Japanese one I've purchased. It was also the first concert I watched while video calling a friend! Thankfully, I'm comfortable enough with my friend where I could scream and dance during a call. It was such a stress reliever. 

I've listened very casually to Glass Animals back in 2017 when one of my other friends recommended me to them but I've never taken the time to truly appreciate them until this summer. I especially love this album with the vaporwave and home movie skits. There's a lot of great songs from this album I have yet to decide my favorite. I love the personal touch behind Domestic Bliss (it made me tear up) but also the wackiness behind Melon and the Coconut. Gosh, only if they performed more songs from the album. It felt too short in my opinion. 

My favorite in the concert was definitely the collaboration with Arlo Parks in Tangerine. She changed the lyrics up too which means I need to relisten to it.



Dave must've really disliked whoever he was thinking of while writing up Tangerine. Seeing him whack the huge tangerine gave me a good laugh.

 I look forward to the day I can go back to attending in-person concerts. Meanwhile, music and online concerts will be my moral support 🍊 
