
Will Stainless Steel Rectangular Tubing Corrode?

Nowadays, stainless steel rectangular tubes have been used in many applications in our daily life, such as furniture production, catering equipment, communal facilities, etc. Meanwhile, they are also designated for maintenance and structural purposes in construction, agriculture, the electric industry, and more.

One reason is that this material has superior performance against corrosion and rust, which makes them more durable and lasts longer than ordinary steel pipes. The other is that it has a beautiful and bright finish, more suitable for the public’s aesthetics. But some people are also confused: though it is called “stainless”, is it non-corrosive really?


The Chemical Composition of Stainless Steel

To better answer this question, let’s take a look at its components firstly. Generally, the stainless steel rectangular tube is exactly an alloy of carbon, iron, and a small number of other elements. For example:

1. Carbon (C): All steels have this element. It is the most important element that can enhance the hardness of the steel and easily react with Cr in stainless steel.

2. Iron (Fe): It is the basic element that constitutes stainless steel.

3. Chromium (Cr): Chromium plays a decisive role in stainless steel. When Cr is added, it will promote the development of contradictory internal motion that is in favor of corrosion resistance. Thus, it improves the wear resistance and corrosion resistance of stainless steel.

4. Nickel (Ni): It is also a corrosion-resistant material, and will function better after fusion with Cr, which can increase the toughness and corrosion resistance.

5. Manganese (Mn): It can improve the high-temperature resistance of stainless steel.

6. Silicon (Si): Silicon is an element that forms ferrite, and is a constant impurity element in stainless steel. It can maintain and enhance the strength of steel during the production process. 

7. Titanium (Ti): It plays the role of quenching and tempering. When the carbon content of stainless steel is high, carbides will be easily formed during welding, which reduces the corrosion resistance of stainless steel. In this case, a small amount of Ti is added to improve the performance.

8. Molybdenum (Mo): It will stabilize the passive film of stainless steel and improve its corrosion resistance. This element is basically contained in high-grade stainless steel.


Due to these different alloy elements added, the stainless steel has the ability to resist chemical and physical damages outside. However, it does not never corrode, just corroding more slower than normal steel. Below let’s see what will do damage to this material.


Three Factors that Corrodes Stainless Steel

1. The Content of Alloy

The key point that the stainless steel tube will not rust lies in the content of nickel and chromium elements as we said above. For having the high-quality stainless steel rectangular tube, the nickel and chromium content must be more than 10.5%. And the higher the nickel content, the better the corrosion resistance and the longer the life. For example, in the well-known 304 stainless steel, the nickel content is 8-10%, and the chromium content is 18-20%.

2. Manufacturing Method

The enterprise’s smelting process also plays an important role in it. If a company is equipped with good technology and advanced equipment, it will do better in removing impurities and controlling the cooling temperature of billets. Therefore, the product quality is stable and reliable.

3. Environment

For any steel product, including stainless steel, it is always suitable for dry and ventilated environments, which makes them not easy to rust. On the contrary, high humidity or high ph in the air will corrode stainless steel easily.

Shipping of Stainless Steel Tubes

Do You Need Stainless Steel Rectangular Tubing?

No matter what aspect, stainless steel tube is worth choosing. Though it is much costlier, what we are paying for is the longer service life and better anti-corrosion property than ordinal carbon or galvanized steel pipes.

When buying stainless steel rectangular tube, remember to find a reliable manufacturer with advanced technology and high quality. This will reduce the frequencies of after-sales consultation largely. At Wanzhi Steel, you will get it both in high quality and at a reasonable price. Contact them now with your questions!

For more information about stainless steel, you can see: 304 VS 316 Stainless Steel Tube.
