
Staying Home

Due to Covid-19 (the corona virus) I've been trying to stay at home as much as possible except for going out for work sometimes. Which means I haven't played darts for ages! When I do go out it seems like a lot of people are just going about their usual day to day life. Meanwhile at home all of my friends have been practicing social distancing for weeks, businesses have been shut down, and my city even has a curfew (though I don't know how they enforce that). I wonder what Tokyo will do in the weeks to come.

While stuck at home a lot of my friends have been posting online about what they are doing to pass the time. A lot of them are cooking, baking, and doing arts and crafts. Some are gardening, cleaning their house, and a lot of them have been watching Tiger King on Netflix or playing Animal Crossing on their Switch. I have a Switch but I've been playing Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag instead, which is actually an older game but still looks really good. It's set in the Caribbean and I actually love the in-game scenery. I never was a gamer because my parents didn't let me have video games as a kid so I've just gotten into it recently. 


We went out today to get groceries for the week since Tokyo (hopefully) will start being strict about Covid-19 soon. Thankfully it wasn't crazy at the store, but you all might want to get some food if you haven't already! Better safe than sorry. I'm sure you all know this already, but be sure to wash your hands and don't go out unless you need to! Enjoy relaxing at home in your pajamas and catch up on the things you like to do. And check out Tiger King, it's wild.
