

udioで作ってみたシンフォニックメタル。画像はマンデルブロ集合。イントロとアウトロで苦戦したけれど、歌詞も含めて好みな感じになってくれたから記念に。 歌詞 The will comes first, Your will is the beginning of 369 laws. Fractals! I see the patterns swirling round Fractals! I see the patterns swirling round Mandelbrot's beauty, endless like the stars Symmetry woven in numbers, infinite delight Within the spirals of Julia's grand design In this chaos, a kind of order shines Torus! Behold the sacred ring of flow. Torus! Cycles repeat, as above, so below World tree standing tall, roots and branches wide In the realms of numbers, where mysteries reside From Mandelbrot’s shores to Julia’s grand scheme In the infinite dance of a mathematic dream Equations! The notes of an endless symphony. Equations! Resonating harmonies in complex dance In the labyrinth of numbers, we find our stance Euler’s towers rise, an elegant romance From the depths of chaos, to boundaries unknown Through the fractal landscapes, where beauty’s shown Parallel lines, in non-Euclidean stream Converge and part, an artist's silent scream Counterpoints echo in Pythagorean rhyme Bach’s fugues intertwine in mathematical time In this fractal universe, our spirits find their place Each turn, a revelation, every swirl, a grace Imaginations! Craft the symphony of worlds. Imaginations! In every thought, a cosmos unfurls Behold the form within your mind's grand stage With each creation, a universe you engage As Brahma dreams, his multiverse deploy To know thyself, and find unbounded joy Consciousness! We're creators of our fate We forge the skies, sculpt the stars innate Galaxies bloom from the canvas of the mind In this symphony of existence, truths we find Fibonacci whispers in golden spirals clear With each ratio, we’re bound to revere Imagination! In your hands the worlds shall spin Imagination! The infinite universe within From Euler's grace to Pythagorean might Craft the stars, let your dreams take flight Through strings of theory, and dark matter vast In the web of creation, our destinies cast You are God. Be careful what you imagine. Your world. You create it. Know thyself. Be thyself. Thou shalt live in thine own world. The infinite universe is here now.

