Discipline my slovenliness

You would surprise and disappoint me knowing it then
To be honest it could be so bother to having a bath and brushing teeth

Always Ive been on the piss in evening time and it would rather much than ordinary person
Hence you know,it could be bother anyways

Eventually I got to be filthy ugly chubby guy,to be ugly chubby is my destination?
I absolutely dont believe that
My ex pretty beautiful girls could say it as well
Is it real? Stop giggling how could I get girlffiends then?oh dear I might be so slovenly so far

Anyways I have one declear here
that “I take a bath everyday”
Then anecdote will be started

Right? I take a bus in order to meet my every ex girlfriends,,oh sorry its my bad habit

Dont look back in the past groly mate!
