
目があう / Eyes meet





This morning. Motorcycle taxi drivers drive at slow speeds. I wanted him to speed up, but it was my fault for starting late. As I was thinking about this, I suddenly found myself picking up a lot of speed. I couldn't understand his driving rules, why he was so slow up until now and now he was speeding. But I made it in time. thank you.

Noon. It's raining heavily and I have lunch at an indoor mall. A person from my workplace happened to show up and we talked together. Apparently he went to Sri Lanka during Golden Week. I was jealous. I also want to take more short trips and get used to traveling. In fact, if I want to go to the island on Friday night, I should be able to do it. I want to move.

On the way home. Walk while it looks like it's going to rain. I no longer passed each other by the woman I always passed by. Our eyes met once. At times like that, it seemed like a signal to say, ``You can talk to me,'' but I just passed by. regrettable. Is there no more chance? I'm sure there are still 1.2 million similar opportunities left. I am okay.

Night.  should use the air conditioner when it's very hot.
Even one person should use it.
