
それだけ頼る / Trust myself







I realized that I had forgotten my MRT card at the subway ticket gate, so I bought a ticket.
The ticket looks like a coin, black, round, and about the size of a 500 yen coin.
I often get asked directions by people I don't know.
But I am not good at answering when asked for directions.
But that may not be the case now. Because I learned a little foreign language. Next time I want to take on the challenge without running away.
I want to grow up with shame.

I'm walking around town wearing SONY headphones.
The sound quality is the best in the world.

In the morning. The sun is higher in the sky and it is often cloudy. It will rain at noon today, and then the sky looks like it will rain. It's humid, but better than being stupidly hot. Its Earth.

I just remembered. This was during a period where I hadn't seen my ex-girlfriend for several months. I sent her an email. “Would you like to meet by chance next time at the fountain in HEIWA Park?”
Then she said, ``Let's break up.''
It's my life.Haha.

I seem to be thinking a lot, but when I look in the mirror, my face doesn't look any different than usual.
If I think so much, it wouldn't be surprising if my face turned into a chestnut or a bird. Sorry, just kidding

It's raining now.
The sound of rain is as loud as half the volume of my smartphone.
