


Thank you! (Here are some other ways to say it.)
-I'm so grateful.
-I appreciate it.
-I can't thank you enough.
-That's so kind of you.
-You've been a big help.
-You're a life saver.
-Much appreciated.
-I couldn't hve doen it without you.

You're welcome!
-No problem.
-No worries.
-My pleasure.
-Don't mention it.
-Sure thing.
-Happy to help.
-Always glad to help.
-The pleasure is all mime.

Of course! (Here are other alternatives to say it.)
-Sure thing!
-By all means!
-Wholly sure!

I do not understand! (Here are some other alternatives.)
-I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.
-Sorry, I'm afraid I don't follow you.
-Excuse me?
-Come again?
-I'm confused?  Could you tell me again?
-I didn't hear you.  Please could you tell me again?
-Sorry, what?
-I beg your pardon?

I understand! (Here are 5 new ways to say that one.)
1. Got it.
This phrase is a casual way to show that you understand what the other person is saying.
2. I see.
This phrase can communicate that you've understood what was said and are now aware of the situation.  I can also indicate you've gained a new perspective or insight.
3. That makes sense.
That phrase acknowledes that you've processed  the information and it seems logical or reasonable to you.
4. I get where you're coming from.
This phrase indicates that you understand the other person's perspective or point of view which can be specially helpful in conflict resolution situations.
5. Right.
This is a simple and subtle way to show that you understand what's being said.  It's a way to indicate that you're following along with the conversation without interrupting it.

FB; Advanced English Expressions; https://www.facebook.com/watch?v=630998672479921

I wish you could see yourself through my eyes!



If you do one thing to better yourself every day,
imagine where you will  be in a year. 
by J. Strelou (rの上にv)

Facebook: Words of Love より


You can't change what has already happened, 
so don't waste your time thinking about it.  
Move on, let go, and get over it.
* let go: 手放す

Facebook : Tila Muhammad より

Let's call it a day !

Drop it !

X(旧 Twitter):まさ|フレーズで攻略する英会話 @Masa_Englisht13 より


Practice makes perfect.
You gotta believe in yourself before anyone else can.
* gotta = have got to
It doesn't matter what age I am.
Nothing should ever stop me from following my dreams.
You got this. いいぞ!
You worked hard and you deserve this.
Any age is the perfect age to follow your dreams.
Go in with confidence.
If you don't believe in yourself, no one will.
Karma spares nobody. 因果応報

Illumeably "Dancer is age shamed at audition" より


I care about you wherever you are.

X(旧 Twitter):横山カズ:iU大学客員教授/同時通訳者 @KAZ_TheNatural より
