
Ordering coffee in Japan

Simple things that are easy for native Japanese speakers are difficult for me - for example ordering coffee at Starbucks.
I have to keep in mind that I cannot pronounce loan words - with their English pronunciation.
I began with:
I think I got the pronunciation right because the clerk understood.
Then I always forget that in Japan you have to specify that you want "hot coffee."
So far so good. Now I had to communicate that I wanted an extra shot of espresso as I like it strong. So I said:
This was misunderstood as "Extra Short" the previous time I visited them even after I ordered "Venti" size. So, in that case I gave up and didn't get my extra shot. This time, with a little trouble (I had to say "extra espresso" to make it clear what I wanted) I got what I wanted.
The last thing I wanted in the order is for the cup to be filled to the top as they always leave space for safety or for those who add cream and sugar (don't know why people would want to ruin coffee with cream and sugar). So for this I struggled for the right expression and settled on:
The clerk seemed to understand, but the preparer looked at me and showed me the cup, which was not full to the top, and asked if it was okay. Frustrated at the end I just said.
Luckily, wearing a mask, my disappointed expression was not visible.
So I struggle through life here mostly feeling stupid doing everyday things.
