
ANIMA - Deemo



As a "soul"

"Anima" is originally Latin for soul, spirit, and life. 
Today, the word "anima" can also be seen in English, which means the soul or animating principle of a living thing. It is especially contrasted with the word "animus," which means the basic impulses and instincts that govern one's actions. Its related terms are such as animal and animate.








  • 比較的穏やかに始まるイントロ


  • 展開の多い前半の前半


  • 荒々しい前半の後半


  • 似て非なる後半、違い同なる後半


  • 終わりを告げるアウトロ



As a song

The unique modulations

This song starting with the F minor scale modulates into the F# minor scale, an upper half-step modulation as early as in the 30th bar. After modulating into the G minor scale in the same way again, it is on the E minor scale by repeated dominant motions. Its first half ends, playing B during 5 octaves. The last half starts with the B♭ minor scale, which is opposite to the previous one.
As the first half, the last one also repeatedly modulates into upper half-step modulations, dominant motions, and modal interchanges to upper whole-step ones. In the outro, it is on the G major scale, which can be seen only in this part of this song. However, it immediately becomes the F minor scale, then turns back to the G major again, and finishes with the F minor at last. 

The "aesthetic"

Although this song is overall on the harmonic minor scale, it has numerous modulations as the composer, xi said. Technically, it has only 11 ones (still many!), and countless modal interchanges (temporal modulations). 
Due to frequent modal interchanges, its tonality is unstable; there's no modulation using related keys such as a relative key and parallel keys, but instead so many upper half-step modulations, upper whole-step modulations, and dominant motions that sound relatively dynamic. Moreover, jumping to the opposite keys, making a round trip between major and minor keys, and it finishes on the same key as the very beginning. Those characteristics feel uplifting, energetic, and vivid vitality
The outro is so fascinating that I appreciate most. Even though it is continuously covered with a harmonic-minor dark tragic atmosphere, all of sudden after the trill and glissando, we face the brightest world, which is, the G major scale. This G major scale provides us with such a brilliant impression and makes us expect the ending of this song veiled in hopes. But at the very next moment, blacking out, we are brought the feeling of hopelessness. It's like a fake hope. I would say it is a modern classic that is aimed perfectly. 
Life is full of the roughness and delicacy described in this song.



At the end

Here is what you want. I'm proud of you for trying to play this song. 
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It'll be my honor if you support me…!
