




  1. 連邦政府の義務化に抗議する
    a. 雇用もしくは雇用継続の条件として、ワクチン接種、検査、検疫、および/または隔離を必要とするもの。
    b. ワクチン接種の証明または認証プロセスへの参加を必須とするもの。さらに、
    c. 従業員や会員が方針に同意しない場合に、恣意的に従業員を無給で休職させたり解雇したりするもの。

  2. 雇用やサービスを受けることを拒否され医療処置の強要によって収入を失い人間関係を損なわれ苦しんでいる連邦政府職員の代弁者として私は名乗りをあげた。

  3. CDSカナディアン・デジタル・サービスによるワクチン接種に関する指令の影響で今も苦しんでいるCAFカナダ軍の隊員や、その政策に反対した結果キャリアを奪われた隊員の代弁者として私は名乗りをあげた。

  4. また、自分の信念に反する医療行為を強要され圧力を受けている人々のためにも私は発言することに踏み切った。



My name is James Topp, Warrant Officer with 28 years in the Canadian Army, regular force infantry. I was placed on leave without pay from my civilian position in the RCMP and am currently in the process of being released from the Canadian Armed Forces under item 5F. As a form of peaceful protest I have marched 4293 Km on foot from the Terry Fox Statue in Vancouver to The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Ottawa. I will continue to march commencing on the 18th of July 2022 from Signal Hill in St. John’s, Newfoundland to the Greater Toronto Area and/or Windsor Ontario.

My protest exists for the following reasons:

1. I am protesting federal government mandates:

a. that require, as a condition for employment or continued employment, vaccination, testing, quarantine, and/or isolation;

b. that require proof of vaccination or taking part in an attestation process; and

c. that arbitrarily place employees or members on leave without pay or termination of employees should they disagree with the policy.

2. I have stepped forward to speak on behalf of those personnel employed by the federal government who have been denied access to employment and services, who have lost income and suffered from damaged relationships due to the imposition of a medical procedure;

3. I have stepped forward to speak on behalf of members of the CAF that are still suffering from the effects of the CDS directive regarding vaccination and whose objections to the policy resulted in the destruction of their careers.

4. I have also stepped forward to speak on behalf of those who have been pressured into taking part in medical procedures that they would not otherwise have accepted.

James Topp

Canada Marches カナダマーチズ 公式

カナダの主な州と都市 カナダ留学 手数料無料の海外留学推進協会 https://www.ryugaku.or.jp/canada/province_territory_city.html



7.1 今日は155歳の誕生日 2022年7月2日 | カナダ人ニュース



