【lyrics/歌詞】Boys&Girls/浜崎あゆみ(Ayumi Hamasaki)

輝きだした僕達を誰が 止めることなど出来るだろう
Who can stop us from shining?

はばだきだした彼達を誰に 止める権利があったのだろう
No one would have the right to stop them flapping their wings

よく口にしている よく夢に見ている
Often we say  Often we dream

Often we talk with each other

「シアワセになりたい」って もう何度めになるんだろう
We say "I want to be happy", but how many times will it be?

What on earth do you want, what on earth are you dissatisfied with,

where on earth are you going?

聞かれても答えなんて 持ち合わせてないけどね
I don't have an answer when asked

背中押す瞬間に 忘れないでいて
The moment you push your back  Please don't forget

この夏こそはと 交わした約束を
The promise to come true this summer

輝きだした私達なら いつか明日をつかむだろう
If we are shining, we will grab tomorrow someday

はばたきだした彼女たちなら 光る明日を見つけるだろう
The flapping girls will find a shining tomorrow

I'm really expecting it, I'm really skeptical

Anyone is like that

I was told that I was a good person,

It's the same as saying I'm not interested

朝焼けが眩しくて やけに目にしみて
The sunrise was dazzling and it got soaked in my eyes

胸が苦しくて 少し戸惑っていた
I was a little confused because my heart was painful

輝きだした僕達を誰が 止めることなど出来るだろう
Who can stop us from shining?

はばだきだした彼達を誰に 止める権利があったのだろう
No one would have the right to stop them flapping their wings
