
Topic: マスク専門ブランド「MASK CLUB」から和柄のマスクが新登場 - New Japanese-Pattern Surgical Masks by MASK CLUB the Mask Speciality Brand

[ Original Text ]

[With Hiragana on Kanji]

[In Romaji (alphabet) ]
nihon korai no gara ya guradeeshon tou, wahuu na hun'iki no tadayou masuku ga juusan shurui rainnappu sarete imasu. asanoha ya koujitsunagi nado onajimi no wagara no hoka, nihon no dentoushoku wo souki saseru utsukushii guradeeshon no masuku ni mo chuumoku desu.

・日本(ni hon): Japan
・古来(ko rai): ancient times
・柄(gara): pattern
・グラデーション(gu ra de e sho n): gradation
・等(tou): etc, such as

・和風な(wa huu na): adjectival fo of 和風(wa huu): Japanese style
・雰囲気(hun i ki): atmosphere, ambience
・漂う(tadayo u): [something] drifts, floats
・マスク(ma su ku): surgical mask
・[number]種類(shu rui): ~ types/ kinds

・ラインナップ(ra i n na p pu): lineup
・されて(sa re te): passive TE form of する(su ru): to do
・[verb in TE]います(i ma su): polite form of いる(iru): to be there ~ ing
・麻の葉(asa no ha): hemp leaf
・工事繋ぎ(kouji tsunagi): Koji-Filler, as it’s filled by the kanji 工.

・など(na do): etc, such as
・お馴染み(o na ji mi): something you feel familiar, common
・〜のほか(no ho ka): In addition to ~
・伝統色(den tou shoku): traditional colours
・想起させる(sou k(i) sa se ru): causative form of 想起する(sou k(i) su ru): to remind of

・美しい(utsuku shi i): beautiful
・注目(chuu moku): attention, notice

... You learnt 22 words here!

[In English]
13 kinds of Surgical masks with Japanese ancient patterns, gradations, and more that drift Japanese atmosphere have been released as the new lineup. In addition to those familiar patterns such as Hemp Leaf and Koji Filler, those surgical masks with beautiful gradation that reminds us of Japanese traditional colours are must-buy too.

The patterns of 麻の葉(asanoha) are those two on the left top, and 工事繋ぎ(kouji tsunagi) are those two on the right top. You see 麻の葉(asanoha) on Nezuko’s clothing!
