
Topic: Most books fallen due to the earthquake

[ Original Text ]

[With Hiragana on Kanji]

[In Romaji (alphabet) ]
yaku hachiman satsu no zousho no hotondo ga, jishin no eikyou de hondana kara rakka shita hukushimaken shinchimachi toshokan. watabe kazuaki kanchou wa "garasu mo ware, tatemono jitai no higai mo shirabenakute wa narimasen. kaikan ni wa shibaraku jikan ga kakarimasu." to hanashimashita.

・約(yaku)[number]: approximately
・万(man): unit of 10 thousand
・[number]冊(satsu): counter for books
・蔵書(zou sho): stored books
・ほとんど(ho to n do): most items

・地震(ji shin): earthquake
・影響(ei kyou): influence, effect
・本棚(hon dana): book shelf
・〜から(kara): from 〜
・落下した(rak ka shi ta): past form of 落下する(rak ka su ru): [something] falls down

・福島県(huku shima ken): prefecture of Fukushima
・新地町(shin chi machi): Shinchi town
・図書館(to sho kan): library
・館長(kan chou): curator
・ガラス(ga ra su): window glass, glass made

・割れ(wa re): conjunctive form of 割れる(wa re ru): [something] breaks into two
・建物(tate mono): building
・〜自体(ji tai): 〜 itself
・被害(hi gai): damage
・調べなくて(shira be na ku te): negative TE form of 調べる(shira be ru): to investigate, look up

・[verb in negatile TE]はなりません(wa narimasen): have to 〜
・開館(kai kan): opening a department
・しばらく(shi ba ra ku): for a while
・時間(ji kan): time, duration
・かかります(ka ka ri ma su): polite form of かかる(ka ka ru): to take [time], [something] hangs on

・話しました(hana shi ma shi ta): polite form in past of 話す(hana su): to speak

[In English]
Shinchi Town Library in Fukushima where the most of those 80,000 stored books have fallen from the book shelves due to the earthquake. The curator Kazuaki Watabe says “The window glasses were broken and I have to investigate the damage of the building itself as well. It’ll take time to open this library”.

A huge earthquake again hit the Pacific Tohoku region on 13th February. We hope there will be no more earthquakes...
