
Night Demons【百鬼夜行】

Many people ask me why I go to bed early and aim for at least 7 hours of sleep, especially when they themselves only get 4-5 hours a day and still function well. People who naturally require less sleep (short-sleepers) don't fully understand the terrifying experience of sleep paralysis for individuals like me.

The amount of sleep needed varies from person to person. I'm one of those people who experience sleep paralysis when feeling anxious, stressed, sleep-deprived, or even when my sleep schedule is disrupted. Sleep paralysis can be very frightening, and its symptoms may vary among individuals. The most common symptom is feeling pressure on the chest, which makes it hard to breathe (although it's just a feeling and doesn't actually affect breathing), move, speak, or even call for help.

In my case, and for some people, additional symptoms include hallucinations. Often, I see a shadowy figure staring at me, sometimes I feel like there's someone moving around the room, and there have been times when I've felt like someone was trying to strangle me. Since I can't move or speak during sleep paralysis, and the figures I see are usually just shadows, it often feels like the work of demons or maybe ghosts. The reason why I don't watch horror movies. I experience it in 3D and I'm not gonna further torture myself in 2D.

These experiences are vivid, terrifying, and make you feel as if you're about to die. Eventually, you wake up, but the fear lingers because it's so vivid you think it's real. It takes time to convince yourself that it was just a very bad nightmare. I even sought advice from my sister, who is a nurse, when I had the same intense nightmare for several nights in a row. It made me afraid to sleep and think that I might be going crazy. Finally, I consulted with my doctor, who explained that it was sleep paralysis.

If any of you are experiencing the same thing, it's not a nightmare, you're not going crazy, and it's certainly not caused by supernatural forces or devils. It's likely due to stress, anxiety, or sleep deprivation, which is normal. However, if you experience it for several consecutive days or frequently throughout the week, it's advisable to consult a doctor, as you may be dealing with a high level of stress.
