
The following are the rules given to Satya by Jayalakshmi:
1) See your mother in all women.
2) Be compassionate to the poor and socio economically backward people.
3) In all situations think and act according to the sastras.
4) Be prepared to sacrifice your own life to protect the welfare of the “Eternal Truth”(Sadbhavana)
5) Consider all forms of life as equal. Cast off the feeling of differences.
6) Do not miss your daily disciplines at any cost. But let it not inconvenience others. On the other hand let it be beneficial to others.
7) See “Me, The Divinity,” in all forms of life.
8) Keep always to the path of “Truth”.
9) Learn the art of simplifying your Divine knowledge which is needed to teach others.
10) Do not make your future incarnations public.
11) Begin now the task of promoting “Dharma”. If possible make it in a simple format so that all can understand.
12) Live the life wherein even if it hurts you in the process, it should not matter, provided it does not harm others.

Ch. 1. The Initiation
Reflections of the Absolute
The life of Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji
K.V. Krishna Murthy Translated
from the original Telugu into English by Dr. P.V. Nath, O.B.E.


