

Many a traditions of Datta have disappeared in course of time. Those that are still surviving, depict Datta as a “Bhairagi” who travels around the world smearing his body with the sacred ash. It is true that Datta has such a form. But there is another facet to his form. It is that of a married man. It is made amply clear in the “Datta Purana, Markandeya Purana and Brahma Vaivarta Purana.” For some unknown reason the public have forgotten that part of Datta’s life history.

It is also possible that the great yogis of the present may not have any need of this particular form of Dattatreya and so have not given much importance to this aspect of Datta’s life history. The present generation of the Hindus would not be willing to live a life of total renunciation, shave their heads totally and conduct sadhana. They would not be interested to hear about the methods of Dattatreyopasana. We need to teach them the paths of Bhakti, Dhyana and acts of welfare associated with “Detachment in attachment” while they are still living a family life. They should be taught how not to be selfish and develop universal love to all forms of life. While they are prospering in worldly life, they need to be guided towards the path for “Liberation.” Towards this objective they need not be taught any new Upasanas. Dattatreya had the aim of uplifting the man in this Kali Yuga. He has given instructions towards achieving this objective long time ago. Sage Vyasa has written those details in the Puranas. It is unfortunate that it has fallen way behind and man has forgotten it.

“Sri Anaghastami Vratam” is a form of Dattatreya Upasana for the welfare of man, which has been lost during the passage of time. The principal points in the conduct of this vratam are the worship of the sacred form of Dattatreya as a married man, of Anaghadevi, the wife who truly fulfilled the role of a housewife, and their children “The Ashta Siddhis.” Swamiji revived this special vratam that was forgotten for nearly 1000yrs, during the birthday celebrations of 1985. Swamiji, who is a Brahmarshi, personally published the details of conducting the vratam and the “Anagahadeva, Anaghadevi Ashtottaras.”From that day 1000’s of people are conducting this vratam every year. It has assisted in fulfilling many devotees’ wishes. It has helped in relieving the devotees’ problems. This aspect was made known to the public through the film produced by Swamiji. The film depicted the building of the Datta temple, the secret of Dattopasana, propagated the message of Datta and was started during the birthday celebrations in 1985. The famous film director “Kamalakara Kameshwara Rao” directed the film, which was released on 17/1/ 86. The press reviews gave a wonderful report on the film.

Ch. 27. Anaghastami Vratamu
Reflections of the Absolute
The life of Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji
K.V. Krishna Murthy Translated
from the original Telugu into English by Dr. P.V. Nath, O.B.E.


現代人が日常生活を送りながら、バクティ(信愛)の道、ディヤーナ(瞑想)の道、「束縛されながらも無執着(Detachment in attachment」に福利を行う道を歩むことは至難の技かもしれません。












Sri Anagha Vratam
Datta Peetham
