

Hi, guys! I'm Keisuke. I'm a student from Japan, but now I'm in Bordeaux studying wine.
Today, I'll tell you about myself.

About me

I was born and raised in Hokkaido. Do you know about Hokkaido? It's located north in Japan and it is one of the several famous areas in the country.


(It's my favorite place, it is called "Otaru"  Photo by Michelin guide)

When I was an elementary student, I started playing soccer, so I enjoy playing and watching it. I also started playing the drums when I was a high school student.

After enrolling in university, I was interested  in alcohol; for example, whisky, gin, cocktails...but not wine.

My interest in wine grew later on. I decided to go to Vietnam as an internship student as recommended by my senior. It was a business internship, but I had plenty of time to think about myself. In Vietnam I made a lot of sandwiches and my team thought about how we sold it. My amazing friends and the restaurant business were definitely good for me. I could think about myself seriously.


(I worked there in Vietnam. I like this place.)

After I came back to Japan, I was interested in wine because I had already liked alcohol. I didn't know why, but I chose it at that time.
At first, I doubted my feeling, but a certain book reaffirmed my decision.

After reading that book, I got to know more about wine through learning about it by myself.

It was two years ago that I decided to go to France because it produces beautiful wine, and now I'm here! I'm certain that this experience will help me improve.

Until now, I have worked at five wineries in total. (Colmar/Chambery/Auch/Tours)
Additionally, these are wineries of natural wine (In the beginning, I didn't consider learning about natural wine.)

Of course, I learned more about natural wine due to working at these wineries, but the most important thing for me is that I have been able to meet a lot of people who are involved in wine. Thanks to that, I'm now interested in natural wine. One of those people in particular is a man called François Blanchard. He gave me a good opportunity to learn more about natural wine. 

I'll give you one example.

I worked at his winery this August, but I was able to help during his harvest in September as well.

During the harvest, there were a lot of people working, for example, other foreigners like me. But most people were his family and friends. When I worked there, I felt warmth because there were a lot of smiles. Previously, I'd dreamed that I would be able to invite my friends over and spend the night with my family, and host a home party. I realized then that it's my ideal life.

That's when I decided to make wine.


( François and me)

My Mission

『To spread Japanese wine in the world and make a natural wine world』
This is my mission. There are two meanings to it.

First,"To spread Japanese wine in the world" is simple.

Do you know we've already exported Japanese wine around the world?

In 2018, wine exports brought in $281 million yen. The value of Japanese wine exports is increasing in the past few years, but as you know, it is a minor category compared to sake and whisky exports.

So, I want to help develop the reputation of Japanese wine in the world. 

Second,"Make a natural wine world" is important.

As you know, global warming causes crazy things. Wine is no exception.

I stayed in France this summer, and the temperature went up to above 40°, which is not normal.

In order to make wine, we have to emit a lot of CO2 and use chemical products and so on. I believe we should shift towards natural wine as soon as possible.


I'll show you one example.

According to Decanter.com, Bordeaux decided to use and begin to plant new grapes to grapple with climate change from 2020/21 season. I think it indicates the danger of global warming and its effects on wine production.

Domaine Romanée Conti in Burgundy have been converting to producing natural wine since 2007, which I think is better in order to protect the earth.

To make natural wine, it doesn't use chemical products and minimizes CO2 emissions. It's good for both our health and our earth.

My plan 

After graduating from university in Japan, I want to go to Germany to study wine business. It's a three year process, and while staying there, I want to work at a winery to learn more about wine.

After completing that course, when I'm in my 20's I'd like to work in Germany or another country because I need to build my network and gain achievements, which is the best way to join companies which deal with natural wine. 


During my 30's, I'd like to come back to Japan and actively spread Japanese wine in the world. Of course, it's also important to make money.

Finally, in my 40's, I aim to be making wine by myself in Hokkaido. I strive to become one of the big players while creating a natural wine world.

Thank you for reading about me today!
