
ショパン・コンクール   牛田智大


Tomoharu Ushida made the best use of a YAMAHA piano. He succeeded in controlling its clear and bright sound, which is often viewed as its feature. I'm wondering how he controlled the sound to give a nostalgic and sentimental feeling to the piano with bright sound. I like the sound of his Nocturne. From the beginning to the end, I was fully immersed in his sound.

Mr. Tomoharu Ushida said that he wanted to express the transition from the peaceful Warsaw, which gradually became tainted with sadness, to finding hope again after much sacrifice and deep despair.
When he appeared on stage, he had a cute smile and a delicate appearance, but once the performance started, he became a spokesman for Chopin's pain and sorrow for Poland, expressing his pain and sorrow with his sometimes delicate, sometimes intense and emotional piano sound.
Listening to his deeply penetrating performance, I felt that he was looking at the world on a different level than other Japanese contemporaries.





His performance was simply breathtaking and unforgettable, holding me spellbound from the beginning of Nocturn in D flat major to the end of Fantasy in F minor. It was a magical moment, indeed! Tomoharu Ushida and Chopin is a match made in heaven.!
His Mazurka is one of a kind, and I want all the judges/audience/viewers to listen to his interpretation (in the stage III, though).
It’s my sheer pleasure to listening to his performance.



ショパン・コンクール   牛田智大|ウオールデン