
🎨プロフィールとオリジナルマスコットキャラクターについて(My Profile & Original mascots)

名前: ねこやま たまお
作者のInstagram: https://instagram.com/kuronecostudio

マスコットキャラ“犬”のInstagram: https://instagram.com/poor_dog_inu





▷レンタル料(例:キャラクター日給20000円 × ひと月30日換算 = キャラクター月給600000円)




Name: Nekoyama Tamao
Author/Instagram: https://instagram.com/kuronecostudio
Original mascot “Dog” Instagram: https://instagram.com/poor_dog_inu
I create 4-panel cartoons of honest, cute, and pitiful mascot characters.

■If you are interested in making plush toys, figures, or goods, please contact me.
I would appreciate it if you could contact me if you can understand Japanese.

■If you have a company or government agency that wishes to rent and use the mascot character, please contact us. (*In that case, we would appreciate it if you would keep the author's personal information strictly confidential. In addition, we do not accept any requests to create such materials.)
I would appreciate it if you could contact me if you can understand Japanese.

[Example of use]
It would be difficult to create a new character from scratch, so we would like to use our company's original mascot character to dress up in our company's or a local happy-go-lucky character, or to wear an item for PR (advertising).

[The agreement]
▷Application (e.g., location or purpose)
▷Rental Period (e.g. October 2020 - September 2021)
▷Rental Fee (e.g. Character Daily Salary 20,000 yen x 30 days per month = Character Monthly Salary 600,000 yen)
▷NG (e.g. having a non-talking character speak, etc., mainly because of the character's personality)


It is said that this is the age of the individual, but as each of us is a human being, there are limits and loneliness that can follow an individual on his or her own.

I think it is important that we move from the era of competition and coercion to an era of co-creation and coexistence.

I can't do everything by myself. I need the help of others. And I want to be of help to someone else.

I'm waiting for a meeting where we can help each other and respect each other!