
To consider issue of 2024 for Logistics industry

This Note, I am going to write following problem
1. Why do we faced on 2024 problme for logstics
2. What is the solution for government side
3. What is the solution for business side

Firstly I would like you to understand "What is the 2024 problem and How do we affect for this problem"

2024 problem is that it is difficult to deliver as stable such as current situations. Since Government decide to have a limitation for working time for logistics worker as well as other industry. 
So in the nearly future, Many of track driver has a limitaion to deliver the package. As a result we are difficult to receive the package as stable. I mean that recently we can receive when we need, anytime, anywhere but Thoes things will difficult to do. We will probably choice the package to deliver as stable like for medical.

Secondly, I would like propose the solution for this problem to government side.

Government are deciding some strategy to avoid the this problem but some of the strategy did not make sence. For ex, Government are considering to change the maximam speed for highway for the large track. Currently large track acceptable just 80km for highway but government will change to 100km. I think this strategy so stupid because this is not root cause. Most important this is that has a limitation and will leave. 
So, I recommend that Government provide the investment for companies if companies protect some rule for overtime. If it is possible, I think companies are able to increasce the driver salary and then some of the younger age people want to be a track driver.
Then, One more thing I have proposed that government should invest the technology for logistics and SCM to impliment AI, Robtics and ensure good technological worker. That's why, in common companies are difficult to impliment themselved about the technology.

Thirdly, I would like to consider how company should avoid this problem.

As I have just wrote second topic, We should move to automation because we faced on the problem that decreasing born rate. So in near the future, defanetly decrease working people. So we have to prepare to move automation.
However I know that we have one huge problem that is Japan is Galápagos country. I mean that many of Japanese companies adopt the flexsible. This is the huge problem to move the automation. 
Historcally many of Japanese company rely on human resources to apply vendor's request. So I would like to propose as fellow.
1. Stop the operation to match all of vendors.
2. Decide the operation and SOP to work smoothly.
3. Ensure the resource more forcus on "Gemba work"

Thank you for reading lastly but to be honest, I would like to propose more to all of people in this problem. 
So if you are interested in this problem or want to resole this problem, please reach out to me!!!!

Best Regards,
