海外実習:Day 0(オリエンテーション)

I am planning to do a one month of clinical rotation mainly in the department of Hepatology. I had a brief orientation today of the different places, I will go through out my one month rotation. (I probably won't be able to remember and end up getting lost…) The Dr. was on-call today and I was also able to get a sneak peak of her work. 

Today's Learning

  • Different types of outpatient clinics

    • Each clinic has different set of patients, so runs differently. 

    • The role of pharmacist is quite big??? Drug interaction, dosage etc. 

      • Clinic A -> alcoholic related problems, cirrhosis etc

      • Clinic B -> cancer 

      • Clinic C -> transplant clinic

  • Within a hospital there are section for research, both clinical and basic science. 

  • 3 years of internal medicine -> 3 years of GI -> additional 1 year to become advanced GI 

    • luminal team and hepatology team and IBD stuff team -> didn't quite catch all of it

  • Difference between Japanese and American medical students

    • American students are more used to the clinical settings (talking to the patients, giving presentation). 

    • Academic understanding level is different for each student. 

    • Ask questions when you don't know somethings. Any question is fine.  This is an academic setting. Unless the doctors are really busy, they are willing to teach you. (Unlike Japan)

    • If you ask a question, go home research about it so that it will stick with you. 

My Observation 

  • The Dr.  was checking up to date.  I don't really see that in Japan. 

  • In the patient list, there was a column for language (Spanish, Vietnamese, etc). 

    • If there is a patient's family and they are able to speak English, ask them for help. 

    • Dr.  said she is listening to spanish podcast to learn basic words!! She was asking basic questions such as where does it hurt, symptoms of vomiting, etc.. 

  • Emergency Department have beds? Do they have walk ins? Different from ICU (3 types of ICU). 

Questions I was asked / I have 

  • How do you diagnose SBP

  • How to read lab values.

    • AST, ALT 

    • platelet levels to check the function of liver??

  • What is considered dilation of biliary tract?

  • What is ERCP?

My Goals

  • Always have a stock of questions you want to ask. 

  • Speak loudly and confidently.

    • Even in Japan, I am often told that I speak to softly. I noticed Dr.  leaning toward me to listen to what I was saying. 
