about our Cork Art activity

Hi, I'm Cork Collector. My job is sommelier in Japan, and made some portraits with corks. 

 1. How did I come up with the idea to create art made of wine corks? 

 I was interested in diversity of wine and food culture of the world and continued the sommelier's work for 15 years.Every time 1 bottle of wine is offered, 1 of cork occurs.I was collecting those cork Aimless.one day,I was looking at the color of those corks that given by the color of the wine, was felt a very beautiful gradation.I discussed with  friend's designer Mr. ko hayashi whether I could draw portrait using those corks. 

 2. A great amount of wine corks in the world are thrown away every day. How do I get your corks from? How is my creative process? 

 My idea wasn't achieved immediately.  so I shared that idea with some restaurant and many wine fans.they have some corks but there are no use. they sympathized with me and would like to reuse the natural material for something too. 

 3. What is thoughts about?

 One portrait consists of 2400 corks.If I'm only myself for this work, I can not collect 365 pieces a year even if I drink wine every day. but when I started this artwork, over 5000 corks was brought to me for several months! After that I could make 16 portraits per 3 years. What does it mean? 

 4. What is my aim with art pieces? 

 We can have contact with nature by drinking wine. Each cork is the memory by which people enjoyed wine. I'd like to record that in addition to consumption. I wish people of the world to see our activity. I don't understand possibility,valuable of this activity yet.   

A lot of wine fans are around me. They respect diversity of wine and each culture of the world. Cork art showed that. I hope that a lot of people know our activity. please share for sustainable life!



















I'd like to make for customer's request as business. Please contact us if you are interested.


Cork Artist
Tomonori  Kubo
