221205 Shoes

自分で作る DIYブランド「Loper shoes」
Loperは靴のデザイナーの斉藤マナミさんが、靴作りの現場で使われる大量の接着剤による職場環境に危惧をされたことがきっかけで考案した接着剤を使わずに作れる靴です。ロープを使うことからLoper shoes (@loper_shoes)と名付けられました。

DIY Brand "Loper shoes" that you make yourself.
Loper is a shoe designed by shoe designer Manami Saito, who was worried about the working environment caused by the large amount of glue used in shoe making. It was named Loper shoes (@loper_shoes) because of its rope use.
The first one (pictured first) was last summer, and making slip-on shoes was my first experience making shoes.
I made a simple combination of silver skin and fluorescent yellow polyvinyl chloride.
For the second (pictured 2nd and 3rd) last month, I chose the string shoe type named Derby.
At first, I was thinking of making simple string shoes, but the instructor (@erajho_zoe_lopershoes) at this time had a lot of unusual materials, then I wanted to use them a lot, so I combined the materials of the parts separately.
I really enjoyed choosing this combination of materials.
You can also add accessories such as tassels and clips to create your own design (pictured 3rd photo).
