
Reviews(Diva Gals Daily/2024)

A DivaGal Visits her First Under the Radar Theatre for HAMLET | TOILET

ByCaroline Cao | January 17, 2024 | Entertainment

If you reside in New York City, you might have heard of the queer imaginative Fat Ham or the Public’s Georgia-set Hamlet. But have you heard of HAMLET | TOILET?

Er, so what do Hamlet and toilets have in common? Well, writer-director Yu Mura decides to put Hamlet and toilets into a marriage of performance art. Yes, it sounds like a South Park Terrance and Phillip gag gone too far. It sounds like the kind of incomprehensible “high-brow” that the nuts-kicking Key & Peele sketch would make fun of. For me, it’s my first attendance at the Under the Radar festival, which, blessedly, didn’t die after all.

A fellow begins the show by trying to recite “to be, or not to be,” only to be interrupted by rude farts. “I’ve never been so confused,” an audience member whispered behind me. Three white body-suited performers (the comedically versatile Takuro Takasaki, G.K. Masayuki and Yuki Matsuo) wander the stage for pantomime toiletry activities: tossing, consuming, defecating and re-tossing invisible feces and recite warped versions of Hamlet verses. This isn’t telling the story of the Danish Prince’s tragedy as it is comically bastardizing them to fit the toilet theme. Hamlet‘s motive of revenge against his uncle-cum-stepfather has to do with expelling a weight from his abdomen.

And yet, if you can believe it, Mura is onto something. At the post-show artist talk, Mura shared that the restroom is one of the few places where we face ourselves privately. When there’s a deep pain in our gut, we have a human desire to purge it, just as Hamlet wanted to get rid of the scrouge that was his uncle. He’s right. It’s up to you decide if you can ingest this kind of art.

Anyhow, you should check out more of the Under The Radar BIPOC-led productions here.

Photo credit: Under the Radar Theatre



By キャロライン カオ|2024年1月17日|エンターテインメント


ハムレットとトイレの共通点とは?脚本家であり監督でもある村井雄は、ハムレットとトイレをパフォーマンス・アートとして融合させることにした。そう、まるでサウスパークのテランスとフィリップのギャグのようだ。キー&ピールのスケッチがバカにするような、理解しがたい "高尚な "もののように聞こえる。私にとっては、「アンダー・ザ・レーダー」フェスティバルへの初参加だ。

或る男が "to be, or not to be "を暗唱しようとしてショーが始まるが、無作法なオナラで中断される。「こんなに混乱したことはない」と私の後ろで観客がささやいた。3人の白いボディスーツ姿のパフォーマー(コミカルで多才な高崎拓郎、G.K.Masayuki、松尾裕樹)が舞台を歩き回り、見えないうんこを投げたり、飲んだり、排泄したり、投げ直したり、ハムレットの詩をゆがんで朗読したりする。これはデンマークの王子の悲劇を語っているのではなく、トイレのテーマに合うようにコミカルに脚色しているのだ。ハムレットが叔父兼継父に復讐する動機は、腹部から錘を排出することに関係している。



