
“I feel like I can't express my thoughts when asking for advice from others. It seems like it would be a serious blow if I tried and failed. It reminds me of that kid from the other day who used ChatGPT to talk to their mom because they couldn't say anything except what their mom wanted to hear.”

This situation involves a person finding it difficult to express their thoughts when seeking advice from others, fearing a serious blow if they try and fail. The background of this feeling could be influenced by past experiences and interpersonal dynamics. Below, this situation is analyzed in the context of controlling relationships.### Situation Analysis1. **Difficulty in Expression**:   - Feeling it is hard to communicate thoughts and emotions to others often stems from communication barriers or negative past experiences. In this situation, the individual may overly fear others' reactions and thus suppress self-expression.2. **Fear of Failure**:   - The fear of failing when trying to express oneself is closely linked to low self-esteem or past trauma. This is often due to experiencing negative reactions or evaluations from others in the past.### Relationship with Controlling Relationships1. **Impact of Controlling Relationships**:   - In controlling relationships, one party attempts to control the actions and thoughts of the other. This makes it difficult for the controlled individual to freely express their thoughts and emotions. Consequently, the individual develops anxiety and fear towards self-expression.2. **Suppression of Communication**:   - In controlling relationships, it is common for the controlling party to deny the opinions of the controlled individual. This results in the controlled person feeling anxious about communicating their thoughts to others. This situation closely relates to the previously mentioned difficulty in expressing one's thoughts.3. **Psychological Manipulation**:   - Controlling relationships often involve psychological manipulation, such as gaslighting, which makes the controlled individual doubt their reality and judgment. This further hampers their ability to express themselves.### Analysis of Specific ExampleThis situation is similar to the example of a child who had to use ChatGPT to express their thoughts to their mother. The child could not communicate using their own words and only spoke what their mother wanted to hear. This scenario likely results from the influence of a controlling relationship.### ConclusionAs this analysis shows, controlling relationships can significantly impact an individual's ability to express themselves. This makes it difficult for them to seek advice from others, as they fear failing to express their thoughts. Addressing this issue requires professional support and strategies to improve self-expression skills.

Both of us face difficulty expressing your thoughts and emotions when seeking advice or communicating with others. This can be influenced by past experiences or relationships where you might have felt controlled or judged, leading to fear and anxiety about self-expression.### Key Similarities:1. **Difficulty in Expression**: Both you and the child find it challenging to communicate your true thoughts and feelings, often suppressing them due to fear of negative reactions.2. **Fear of Failure**: There is a strong fear of failing when trying to express yourself, linked to past experiences of negative evaluations or trauma.3. **Impact of Controlling Relationships**: In both cases, there might be an element of having experienced controlling relationships where your opinions and thoughts were not valued or were suppressed.4. **Psychological Manipulation**: Experiences of psychological manipulation, such as gaslighting, can further hinder your ability to trust your own thoughts and express them confidently.### Addressing the Issue:To improve self-expression and reduce the associated anxiety, consider seeking professional support such as therapy. Additionally, practicing self-expression in a safe and supportive environment can help build confidence.

The situation becoming increasingly difficult over time can be attributed to several factors.### Reasons1. **Negative Feedback Loop**:   - Repeated failures in self-expression lead to a decline in self-confidence, causing you to avoid trying to express yourself. This avoidance further reduces opportunities for self-expression, creating a vicious cycle.2. **Habitual Thought Patterns**:   - Long-term repetition of the same patterns makes them habitual, making it difficult to change. Negative thoughts and behaviors become automatic.3. **Low Self-Esteem**:   - Continued failure in self-expression lowers self-esteem, leading to a feeling that your thoughts and emotions are not valuable. This further diminishes the motivation to express yourself.4. **Accumulation of Psychological Stress**:   - Suppressing self-expression accumulates psychological stress. This stress makes attempts at self-expression even more challenging and negatively affects mental health.5. **Deterioration of Interpersonal Relationships**:   - Difficulty in self-expression can worsen interpersonal relationships. Poor communication with others increases feelings of isolation and loneliness, further hindering self-expression.6. **Continuation of Controlling Relationships**:   - Continuing in controlling relationships reduces opportunities to express your opinions and emotions, potentially leading to a loss of identity and self-worth.### Solutions- **Seek Professional Support**:  - Therapy or counseling can help improve self-expression skills and restore confidence.- **Practice in a Safe Environment**:  - Practicing self-expression in a safe and supportive environment can help build confidence.- **Utilize Positive Feedback**:  - Actively reflecting on successful experiences of self-expression and using positive feedback can help build self-confidence.While it takes time and effort to improve this situation, appropriate support and strategies can help overcome difficulties in self-expression.

The child might face similar difficulties as you in the future. If the issues with self-expression aren't addressed, they can accumulate and lead to significant challenges over time.### Potential Long-term Difficulties for the Child1. **Continued Difficulty in Self-expression**:   - If the child continues to struggle with self-expression without proper intervention, this difficulty can persist into adulthood. This can lead to problems with self-esteem and effective communication.2. **Low Self-esteem**:   - Repeated experiences of failed self-expression can cause the child to develop low self-esteem, making them feel that their opinions and emotions are not valuable.3. **Accumulation of Psychological Stress**:   - Suppressing self-expression can lead to increased psychological stress, which can negatively impact mental health.4. **Deterioration of Relationships**:   - Difficulty in communication can strain relationships, leading to feelings of isolation and loneliness, which can further exacerbate self-expression issues.5. **Continuation of Controlling Relationships**:   - If controlling dynamics persist, the child might continue to feel unable to express their true thoughts and feelings, which can erode their sense of self-worth and identity.### Ways to Address the Issue- **Seek Professional Support**:  - Therapy or counseling can help improve self-expression skills and build confidence.- **Practice in a Safe Environment**:  - Encouraging self-expression in a supportive and safe environment can help build the child’s confidence in expressing their thoughts and feelings.- **Utilize Positive Feedback**:  - Reflecting on successful self-expression experiences and using positive feedback can help boost the child’s confidence.It’s crucial to address self-expression issues early on to prevent long-term difficulties. With appropriate support and strategies, it’s possible to help the child overcome these challenges.



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