Yuushien 由志園



Hello! Today, I am at the Japanese garden, Yuushien, in Shimane Prefecture. A self-proclaimed Japanese garden girl, I will do my best to introduce the highlights of this garden as an amateur reporter.


The site of Yuushien stretches an area of about 40,000 square meters. The garden has a landscape both enchanting and emotional.


This garden was opened in 1975 with the purpose of creating a tourist attraction in Matsue-city. The garden features every type of Japanese garden: the strolling garden with pond, tea house garden, and the dry landscape garden. Additionally, you can see scenery with Japanese irises and a unique bridge called "Yatsuhashi". This garden is a full-scale garden, perfect for enjoying the diversity of style contained within Japanese gardens.


I love Yuushien very much because it's really beautiful, so I came here both days of my stay in Matsue-city. Outside of the full-fledged gardens in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Kamakura, I personally think that this may be the most beautiful garden in Japan.


Today, I saw a special gardener caring for the garden. I think that the garden here is really well-maintained, and the gardener must have a great understanding of Japanese garden needs: both for attracting people's hearts and emotions, and for maintaining the health of the living environment in their care. They know what is truly necessary and what should be left to nature. More than anything, the gardening work here shows amazing professionalism.


The Adachi Museum in Shimane Prefecture is very famous for its beautiful Japanese garden, but I personally think that the garden at Yuushien is even more beautiful than that of the Adachi Museum. At the Adachi Museum, the garden is maintained almost as if it were a painting in a museum -- the style of the maintenance is too ostentatious to feel a personal connection to the natural environment garden itself. Thus, it fails to move my emotions in the same way. Additionally, there is a stone statue with the words "The Best in Japan" in the garden, which I find lacking in humility, another negative point about the Adachi garden.


Yuushien is famous as a photogenic spot for events, particularly for its event during the Japanese holidays in May where peony flowers are set afloat in the pond -- but even without such an event, I believe that it is quite a spectacular garden.


Nothing is expressed too strongly. If you come to the garden anticipating photo shoots, you may feel disappointed, but it's really an authentic, beautiful Japanese garden. The shape of the trees tell their own life story; the color of the trees shines in the clear sky; the green of the well-managed moss; the petals scattered on the beautiful moss; the pristine, refreshing air; the clear, refined water; the sound of water that drifts by when you lend an ear; the powerful waterfall that appears when you go up the river that leading to the pond; and the stone arrangement with a gentle expression: It's a wonderful garden.


In addition, there are many accommodations made so that a visitor can enjoy strolling the garden comfortably. Some visitors may be particularly impressed with the garden’s hospitality. Yet I personally find that even disregarding the great amenities, the garden itself is truly beautiful enough to take center stage, enough on its own to provide an experience that purifies both mind and soul.


Japanese garden are ranked along a scale of 3 ranks called ”Shin, Gyo, and Sou.” The Shin ranking is reserved for the most formal, Sou used for the casual, and Gyo for those between formal and casual. Also, gardens with the rank Shin are made for upper class people like the emperor, and gardens ranked Sou are made for common people like me. I personally think that the Yuushien's rank would be Gyo, perhaps close to Shin, but unfortunately, the garden features several casual plastic bamboo fences. Upper class visitors to the garden would certainly notice them and feel disappointed. If possible, I would like the Yuushien staff to change these to authentic bamboo fences.


Today, I’ve told you about the Japanese garden at Yuushien. There is also a unique bridge here called “Yatsuhashi”, so I was going to talk about it in my video. However, because my video has already gotten so long, I would like to introduce it next time when I have another chance.


I can't come to Yuushien so many times a year because it is far from the place that I live. If possible, when you visit Yuushien, I would love it if you could share a video about your experience at Yuushien on YouTube, because I want to watch videos featuring Yuushien during various weather conditions and seasons.


Thank you.
